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AP08053222 Development of a hydropulse generator for enhancing the effectiveness of well drilling in complex mining and geological conditions

Scientific adviser - Akhy`mbaeva Bibinur Serikovna

1. Relevance

The development of a hydraulic impulse generator (high-impulse hydraulic hammer), which, due to the shock impulses transmitted to the bottom of the well, creates cracks and increases the dynamic force of the impact, which, accordingly, contributes to an increase in oil recovery and drilling speed, is, of course, an urgent task.

2. Goal of the project

Development and creation of a hydro-pulse generator for mining and mineral testing in order to process mineral raw materials.

3. Expected results

The section reflects the following information, including in accordance with the requirements of this tender documentation:

1) the results of the project are supposed to be published in collections of scientific papers or journals both in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in the near and far abroad;

2) the publication of books / chapters in books in foreign publishing houses is not planned

3) the publication of books / chapters in books in Kazakhstani publishing houses is not planned;

4) the publication of monographs - it is planned to publish 2 monographs;

5) it is planned to patent the results in the European Patent Office;

6) patenting of the results obtained (in the Kazakhstan or Eurasian patent office) is planned;

7) the scientific and socio-economic effect lay in the subsequent creation of a plant for the production of a hydro-pulse generator, which will provide new jobs and attract new investments in the processing and extraction of products from industrial raw materials. The practical significance of the results is to reduce the cost of drilling to 25-30% and increase the efficiency of penetration by 45-100%;

8) applicability and / or commercializability of the obtained scientific results - hydraulic pulse generator will be implemented in pilot production for drilling wells in difficult geological conditions, which will lead to increased safety, productivity and efficiency of well drilling. The results obtained during the implementation of the project can be applied in the development of mineral deposits of any kind. Commercialization may lay in sale of the equipment as well as in the provision of drilling services with a hydro-pulse generator.

9) target consumers of the results, including the subject composition of the mining and metallurgical sector. Companies that have shown interest in the Project and its final result: Volkovgeologiya JSC, Kaznefteproekt LLP;

10) opportunities for breakthrough results containing risks; impact on the development of science and technology - the results of a study on the project will make it possible to automate the technological process of drilling multilateral wells;

11) distribution of the results of work among potential users, community of scientists and the general public - the results of the work will be reported at scientific international and national conferences, published in the scientific press. It is also planned to carry out a number of activities to promote products at the final stage of the project.

4. Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers

  1. Akhy`mbaeva Bibinur Serikovna – scientific adviser -
  2. Naury`zbaeva Dil`da Kenzhekhanovna  - Chief Researcher
  3. Ismailova Dzhamilyam Abdulakhatovna – Leading Researcher
  4. Mauletbekova Bulbul Kusmanky`zy` – Senior Researcher

5. List of publications

1. Akhy`mbaeva B.S., Zhұmagұlov. T.Zh., Abzhaev M.M., Atmosferaly`қ auada mұnaj zhәne қady`ktary`ny`ң balanuy` kezi`nde ziyandy` zattardy`ң taralu қarқy`ndy`ly`ғy`n any`ktau Vestnik Kazakhstansko-Britanskogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta #1, s. 35-39,  Almaty` 2011

2. Akhy`mbaeva B.S., Ory`ngozhin E.S., Moldabaeva G.Zh., Krupnomasshtabnaya vzry`vnaya otbojka - preimushhestva i nedostatki (obzor). Vestnik Kazakhstansko-Britanskogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta # 2 (17) Almaty` 2011 s. 13-17 

3.  Kabdulova B.S., Shalbaev N.B., Ismailov A.A. Kabdulova B.S.Sbornik tezisov studentov i magistrantov. Problemy` innovaczionnogo razvitiya neftegazovoj industrii.  Tekhnologiya bureniya na depressii v usloviyakh ANPD s czel`yu povy`sheniya nefteotdachi. Chetvertaya Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferencziya. Almaty`, KBTU, 23-24 fevralya, 2012.

4. Kabdulova  B.S., Seitmaganbetov S.R., Research supervisor MSc Akhymbayeva  B.S. «Way of preservation wellbore's straightforward direction in the percussive-rotary drilling»  Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferencziya.Moskva 11-13 November 2013

5. Kabdulova B.S.K voprosu optimizaczii raboty` fonda doby`vayushhikh skvazhin blokov 5,5a mestorozhdeniya Uzen`. Vestnik Kazakhstansko-Britanskogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta # 3(30) s.5-10, Almaty` 2014g.

6. Kabdulova B.S., Sejtmaganbetov S.R. Tekhnologiya vrashhatel`no-udarnogo sposoba bureniya dlya obespecheniya pryamolinejnosti stvola skvazhiny`. The VI International scientific & practical conference “Innovative development problems in oil & gas industry” February 20-21, 2014 KBTU, Almaty

7. «Gidroudarnik» Innovaczionny`j patent # 29033 na izobretenie -  reestr izobretenij RK 23.09. Astana 2014g.

8. Mussabayev M.O Kabdulova  B.S.Mathematic analysis of hydraulic oscillation circuit when hydropercussion drilling. European applied sciences. #1 2014 (January), Stuttgart, Germany,0,2

9. Mussabayev M.O., Kabdulova B.S., Tickebuyev T.A The hydraulic resonant camera and hydraulic oscillatory contour when drilling by hydrodrummers of prospecting wells.  International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Indiya, 12(3),2014,785-796 0,3

10.  Kabdulova B.S., Yessenbayev N. Design and implementation of new method of reservoir recovery enhancement with use of rotary – percussive drilling for opening of deposits with hard-extractable hydrocarbons and low – permeable properties. Petroleum Congress and Career Expo, Krakow, 22-24 April 2017. Sabitova D. K. Exploration Potential of Coalbed Methane in Karaganda Field, Modern Applied Science; Vol. 9 No.6; 2015. ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.

11.  Sabitova D. K. Compilation of geological studies for exploration and production of coalbed methane in the Karaganda coal basin. Herald of the Kazakh-British Technical University; Almaty, # 2 (37), 3 (38), ISSN 1998-6688.

12. Sabitova D. K. Legal considerations of coalbed methane production as energy resource in Kazakhstan. Herald of the Kazakh-British Technical University; Almaty, # 2 (37), 3 (38), ISSN 1998-6688.

13. Sabitova D. K. Practice of preliminary methane extraction from coal seams Karaganda coal basin scope. VESTNIK KazNRTU, Almaty, # 5 (117).

14. Sabitova D. K. Perspectives for the development of coalbed methane in Karaganda. Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific & Practical Conference, Innovative Development Problems in Oil & Gas Industry. Almaty, KBTU, February 20-21, 2014.

15. Sabitova D. K. O perspektivakh doby`chi ugol`nogo metana na ryade uchastkov karagandinskogo ugol`nogo bassejna. Problemy` geodinamiki i geoe`kologii vnutrikontinental`ny`kh orogenov; tezisy` dokladov; shestoj mezhdunarodny`j simpozium, nauchnaya stancziya RAN v g. Bishkeke, 23-29 iyunya, 2014.

16. Sabitova D. K. Advanced degassing of coalbed methane of Karaganda coal basin. Materialy` XVIImolodyozhnoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenczii studentov, aspirantov i molody`kh uchyony`kh, g. Sankt-Peterburg, 20-21 sentyabrya 2016 goda.

17. Improvement of uniform oil displacement technology on the example of Kazakhstani fields. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Volume IX, Issue 3(27), Summer 2018, Germany, ISSN: 2068-7729, BD Scopus. R.

18.  An analysis of reservoir properties of Uzen gas and oil field. Vestnik KazNITU #2 (114), 2016g. Almaty`, RK ISSN: 1680 – 9211.

19. Analiz metodov vozdejstviya dlya uvelicheniya nefteotdachi v neodnorodny`kh po proniczaemosti plastakh. Vestnik KazNITU #1 (125), 2018g. Almaty`, RK. ISSN: 1680 – 9211.

20. E`ksperimental`ny`e issledovaniya ravnomernogo profilya vy`tesneniya nefti vodoj v neodnorodny`kh po proniczaemosti plastakh. Vestnik KBTU #1 (2018) , tom 15, 2018g, Almaty`, ISSN 1998-6688. S.16-22.

21.  Analiz primeneniya metodov podderzhaniya plastovogo davleniya v neodnorodny`kh plastakh. Vestnik KazNITU #4 (128), 2018g. Almaty`, RK. ISSN: 1680 – 9211.

22.  Uvelichenie nefteotdachi v neodnorodny`kh po proniczaemosti plastakh. XIV Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferencziya «Advances in Science and Technology» 2018 g., Moskva, RF, ISBN 978-5-6041034-3-2

23.  Ravnomernoe vy`tesnenie nefti v neodnorodny`kh po proniczaemosti plastakh. XX Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferencziya «World science: problems and innovations», chast` 1, 2018 g. Penza, RF, ISBN978-5-907068-38-4

24. Nauchny`j poster «Termicheskaya stabil`nost` uglevodorodov v plastovy`kh usloviyakh: kinetika khimicheskikh reakczij, transport v poristoj srede». (Institut CARNOT, Nauchnoe Atel`e, Nansi, Francziya, 27 maya 2014)

25. «Novy`j podkhod k izucheniyu metanovogo gaza ugol`ny`kh plastov v Kazakhstane», EGU General`naya Assambleya, Vena, Avstriya, Aprel`, 2011.

26.  «Doby`cha metanovogo gaza ugol`ny`kh plastov v Kazakhstane», 2nd Mezhdunarodnaya Nauchnaya Konferencziya, Moskva, RF, 7-8 Dekabrya, 2010. izucheniyu metanovogo gaza ugol`ny`kh plastov v Kazakhstane», EGU General`naya Assambleya, Vena, Avstriya, Aprel`, 2011.

27.  «Doby`cha metanovogo gaza ugol`ny`kh plastov v Kazakhstane», 2nd Mezhdunarodnaya Nauchnaya Konferencziya, Moskva, RF, 7-8 Dekabrya, 2010. ikh sovershenstvovaniya. UDK 622.24, Zhurnal Naczional`noj akademii nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, 2018.

28.  D.D.Abil`dabekova, D.R. Korgasbekov, Zh.B. Bajbusinova Sbornik nauchny`kh trudov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenczii "Geologorazvedochnoe i neftegazovoe delo v XXI veke: tekhnologii, nauka, obrazovanie".Almaty`, Noyabr` 2016

29.  A.B. Idirissov, Zh.B. Bajbusinova. Petroleum play risk analysis of Ustyurt basin Sbornik nauchny`kh trudov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenczii "Geologorazvedochnoe i neftegazovoe delo v XXI veke: tekhnologii, nauka, obrazovanie". Almaty`, Noyabr` 2016.

30. Aleksandr Ivakhnenko, Meruyert Makhatova, Arkhat Kalbekov, Anel Moldagereyeva, Zhanar Baibussinov. Coalbed methane reservoir characterization using magnetic susceptibilityNauchny`j e`lektronny`j zhurnal EGU - European Geosciences Union - Evropejskij soyuz nauk o Zemle; Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 18, EGU2016-16409, EGU General Assembly, held 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria, p.16409, 04/2016 © Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License My`rzakhmetov B.A., Bejsenov B.S., Toktamisova S.M., Sary`baev E.E.Mauletbekova B.K. E`lektromekhanicheskij stend dlya ispy`taniya stankov-kachalok. Trudy` mezhdunarodnoj konferenczii «Ezhegodny`e Satpaevskie chteniya», Almaty`, KazNITU, 12-14 aprelya 2017g.Str.464-467.

31. Mauletbekova B.K., Elemesov K.K. Sposoby` i problemy` smotki goryachekatany`kh polos. Sbornik trudov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-pedagogicheskoj konferenczii «Innovaczionnoe razvitie gorno-metallurgicheskogo kompleksa» g.Almaty` 2017, str 80-83.

32. My`rzakhmetov B.A., Stolpovskikh I.N., Egemberdiev R.I., Mauletbekova B.K. Stend dlya imitaczii real`ny`kh uslovij e`kspluataczii pri ispy`taniyakh balansirny`kh privodov shtangovy`kh nasosov. Sb. trudov KhV mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tekhnicheskoj konferenczii «Tekhnologicheskoe oborudovanie dlya gornoj i neftegazovoj promy`shlennosti», g.Ekaterinburg, UGGU, 20-21 aprelya 2017 g., str 20-21.

Scientific projects of the university

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