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AP 06851287 – Development of a block symmetric encryption algorithm

Objective of the project:

The goal of the project is to develop a block symmetric encryption algorithm (BSEC), develop the algorithm as a candidate for a national standard to ensure the protection of the information space of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its cryptographic independence from foreign information security institutions.


The security of the country's information space is one of the factors in maintaining its independence. The development of own information security algorithm, first, will contribute to the development of the information security industry as a whole. Second, it will make it possible to declare the Republic of Kazakhstan as a country with sufficient scientific potential. And third, as an applied result, it will have a positive impact on the security of the circulation within the country information and will create the prerequisites for the development of open domestic means of cryptographic information protection.

Development of requirements for the cryptographic properties of the main nodes of the block symmetric encryption algorithm, drawing up tactical and technical specifications. The development and research of block symmetric encryption algorithms, a cryptographic protocol for generating, distributing and managing keys are current scientific problems.

The relevance and scientific novelty of the topic lies in the application of our own scientifically based methods to the development of a block symmetric encryption algorithm, a cross-platform software tool for cryptographic information protection.

Scientific supervisor: candidate of engineering science, professor-researcher Nurgul Seilova.

Quantitative and qualitative composition of project executors: 8 executors, including: 1 PhD, 4 doctoral students, 2 Masters.

Obtained results:

1. A reference software implementation in C++ and Python has been developed.

2. A technical specification for a cryptographic information protection system was drawn up.

3. A cryptographic information protection system has been developed as part of the cryptographic information protection software (CIPS) "Qalqan-DS" and "Qalqan-DSM", as well as the "Qalqan-QG" Key Generation and Formation Center.

4. A protocol for key generation, formation, distribution and management for the cryptographic information protection system, taking into account the features of the "Qalqan" BSEA has been developed. The key storage format has been defined.

5. A study of the cryptographic information protection system as part of the "Qalqan-DS" and "Qalqan-DSM" cryptographic information protection software (CIPS), as well as the "Qalqan-QG" Key Generation and Formation Center was conducted for compliance with the requirements of ST RK 1073-2007 “Means of cryptographic information protection. General technical requirements".

6. The "Qalqan" block symmetric encryption algorithm is implemented for programmable logic integrated circuits in the Verilog language for integrating the algorithm into specialized high-performance solutions (for example, hardware and software cryptographic information protection tools, systems with low latency or high load).

7. An author’s certificate (work of science) "Qalqan block symmetric encryption algorithm" was received.

8. The developed block symmetric encryption algorithm is recommended in the prescribed manner to be approved as a national standard to ensure the protection of the state’s information space from potential threats arising from undeclared capabilities in the structures of foreign encryption algorithms.

9. There were made reports on the topic “Candidate for national standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the "Qalqan" encryption algorithm” at the international scientific and practical conference “RusCrypto’2021”, as well as on the topic "Qalqan encryption algorithm" at the VI International scientific conference "Computer Science and Applied Mathematics". Thus the algorithm was introduced to the wider international community of cryptographers in order to receive objective criticism regarding its cryptographic and operational properties. Articles in journals included in the CQAFSHE database and conference materials (Scopus).

Implementation period: 2020-2021.

Scientific projects of the university

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