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AP08855607 "Digital technology for optimizing the cyclic pumping of highly solidifying and high-viscosity oil mixtures"


The scientific aspect of the optimization problem is the cyclic pumping of batches of oil mixtures with different physical and chemical properties, heating at several stations, as well as associated pumping of oil along the oil pipeline section. Determination of energy-saving modes of operation of pumping units and heating furnaces for cyclic pumping of Buzachi and Mangyshlak oil mixtures is of great practical importance for the efficiency of the Uzen-Atyrau oil pipeline. All this represents the relevance of the project in scientific and practical terms.

Objective of the project

Development of digital technology to optimize the cyclic pumping of oil mixtures along the section of the Uzen-Atyrau main oil pipeline.

The expected results of the project are

1. A database will be developed for the SmartTranPro software package previously developed and implemented by the authors of this project on the physicochemical and rheological properties of oil mixtures, characteristics of pumps, heating furnaces, pipeline parameters, thermal conductivity of the soil of the Uzen-Atyrau oil pipeline section.

2. A mathematical model of cyclic pumping of high-viscosity and highly solidifying oil mixtures will be developed.

3. Criteria and intelligent algorithms for optimizing the cyclic pumping of high-viscosity and highly solidifying oil mixtures will be developed.

4. An algorithm and a SmartTranPro PC module will be created for non-stationary thermal-hydraulic calculations of the Uzen-Atyrau oil pipeline during cyclic pumping of oil mixtures.

5. An algorithm and a SmartTranPro PC module will be created to determine energy-saving operating modes of pumping units and heating furnaces at the Uzen-Atyrau oil pipeline section.

6. The results of approbation of calculations of cyclic pumping of Buzachinsk and Mangyshlak oil mixtures will be obtained by comparison with the actual data of SKDU for the Uzen-Atyrau section.

7. The results of optimization calculations will be obtained and recommendations will be given for the cyclic pumping of oil mixtures through the Uzen-Atyrau oil pipeline.

8. The economic efficiency of transporting oil mixtures through the Uzen-Atyrau oil pipeline will be increased, which is achieved as a result of using the developed intelligent algorithms for optimizing the cyclic pumping of highly solidifying and high-viscosity oil mixtures and determining energy-saving operating modes of pumping units and heating furnaces.

9. At least 2 articles will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that are included in the first three quartiles of the Web of Science database and / or have a percentile of at least 50 according to the CiteScore indicator of the Scopus database, and it is also planned to publish at least 1 article in a peer-reviewed foreign and / or domestic publication with non-zero impact factor, or obtaining a copyright certificate for a software module.

Results achieved

A database has been developed on highly solidifying and high-viscosity oil mixtures, pumping equipment, oil heating furnaces, linear sections of the Uzen-Atyrau oil pipeline for the SmartTranPro PC. 2. An algorithm and a module for non-stationary calculations of cyclic pumping of oil mixtures have been developed. 3. An optimization criterion has been developed to determine the energy-saving modes of equipment operation. 4. An algorithm and a module for determining energy-saving operating modes of pumping units and heating furnaces have been developed.

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers

  1. Ramazanova Gaukhar Izbasarovna - scientific adviser
  2. Zhapbasbaev Uzak Kairbekovich - сhief Researcher
  3. Makhmotov Erbol Sakhitovich - сhief Researcher
  4. Pakhomov Maxim Alexandrovich - leading Researcher
  5. Bekibaev Timur Talgatovich - senior Researcher
  6. Bosinov Daniyar Zhumadilovich - Researcher
  7. Kenzhaliev Olzhas Bagdauletovich - Researcher

List of publications

  1. Bekibayev T., Zhapbasbayev U., Ramazanova G., Bossinov D.  Oil pipeline hydraulic resistance coefficient identification // Cogent Engineering. - 2021. – Vol.8. – 1950303. (БД Scopus: процентиль - 67%, квартиль - Q2).
  2. Bekibayev T., Zhapbasbayev U., Ramazanova G., Bossinov D. Oil blends cyclic pumping simulation in the main oil pipeline // Тезисы докладов Традиционной международной апрельской математической конференции, г. Алматы, 5-8 апреля, 2021 г. - С. 176-177.
  3. Бекибаев Т.Т., Жапбасбаев У.К., Рамазанова Г.И., Босинов Д.Ж. Интеллектуальная система трубопроводной транспортировки нефти // Сборник докладов II Международного Джолдасбековского Симпозиума «Механика будущего» 1-5 марта 2021г. - С. 393-398.

Scientific projects of the university

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