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AP08857034 «Development of a new design of a pressing equipment and a chamber with a gas-dynamic installation with program control for the manufacture of additive technology of high-quality products»

The relevance of the project.

1. The project will be first obtained quantitative data and the main set depending SSS change and strength characteristics of the main mechanisms of the new PD and CwGI;

2. On the basis of material science analysis, physical and mathematical modeling, and experimental studies, rational regimes of the new combined technologies for the production of products with desired properties and a submicrocrystalline structure will be determined.

The main objective of the project:

By eliminating complicated foundry equipment and expensive equipment from the multi-stage existing technology, as well as special technology, removing the binder from the “brown” part, manufacturing high-quality wire and finished parts from polymer-metal compositions with new MIM and FDM technology (Fused deposition modeling)

Expected results

А new pressing device and a chamber with gas-dynamic installation; rational geometrical parameters of each part of a new pressing device and gas-dynamic installation; new technology for extruding wires from finely dispersed mixtures with polymer binders and various fillers from a pressing device; additive technology for manufacturing high-quality products from wires; recommendations on the specific use of project results in small enterprises; design documentation of the designed equipment

Achieved results:

The press device drawings were created, the design documentation was transferred to the plant, and the press device was manufactured; computer modeling of the mechanical and physical properties of the metal-polymer composite was performed; the ultimate strength for 90% of the inclusions was 380 MPa; the press ram strength was calculated; the first filament samples with a constant thickness of 2 mm without defects were obtained; simulatingThe scientific novelty lies in the development of the design of the PU (pressing device) and a chamber with a gas-dynamic device for obtaining metal-polymer wires used in FDM technology.

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers:

  1. Absadykov Bakhyt Narikbayevich– scientific supervisor
  2. Zhang Dong – leading researcher
  3. Tusupkalieva Elmira Adietovna - chief researcher
  4. Nugman Erik Zeinelovich -  executor
  5. Zhankeldi Adilet Zhankeldiuly- research assistant 
  6. Bazarbay Bauyrzhan Bakhytbekuly – research assistant
  7. Turgunov Zharkynbek Serikbaiuly– executor
  8. Mashekova Aiym Serikovna– executor

List of publications:

1. S. A. Mashekov, E. A. Tussupkaliyeva, B. B. Bazarbay, M. L. Rakhmatulin, N. Sembayev. The stress-strain state (SSS) calculation of heavy loaded elements of a new-designed pressing device (PD). Metalurgija 61 (2022) 1, 250-252

Scientific projects of the university

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