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BR11765599-OT-23 Development and improvement of natural water purification technologies and improvement of drinking water quality in the regions of Kazakhstan.

Implementation dates: 2021-2023

The object of the study is the current state of drinking water supply and water treatment facilities for the purification of natural drinking water in populated areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the improvement of slow filtration technology water intake from surface sources and a water treatment plant with a vacuum hydrocyclone. Technologies intended to produce modified zeolites, aluminum alloys, aluminum polyoxychlorides and hydroxides, aluminum sulfate.

The purpose of the work is to study the quality of surface and drinking water in populated areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the cities of Almaty, Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenogorsk, and Zhetysu region, as well as the development of slow filtration technology. Methods of produce modified sorbents Scientific substantiation and experimental proof of a new approach to the development of technology to produce aluminum polyoxychloride (APOC) Development of an effectively functioning modern innovative technology for sludge treatment and identification of the main principles for the development of innovative technology.

Tasks – development of a new method intended to study slow filtration with the use of a multi-scale mathematical modeling method with the addition of detailed knowledge of the interaction of water molecules and pollutants with filters. Develop a theoretical justification for the technology intended to produce a modified sorbent from natural zeolite.

Regional research and analysis of technologies intended to produce the coagulant APOC. Development of constructive and technological solutions for the technologies being developed, manufacturing of the installation, performance of PST.

Method or methodology of work – experimental studies were performed on live water supply sediments of the Main Treatment Facility of Almaty in the laboratory of K. I. Kazakh National Research Technical University NJSC and in the laboratory of the aeration station of the Municipal State Enterprise “Astana Su Arnasy”.

Results of the work - A technology has been developed to produce modified sorbents from natural zeolite. A fundamentally new approach to the development of technology intended to produce a coagulant intended to purify and improving the quality of drinking water, as well as recycled water from natural and anthropogenic pollutants, has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally proven. The scientific novelty is for the first time, under the conditions of slow filtration technology, a modified zeolite was used. New technological and technical solutions have been created to produce polyoxychloride, in the scientifically based use of a coagulant.

The scope of application of the results is structures for surface water intake and pumping stations used in drinking water supply systems. Water treatment and purification, enterprises involved in the design and operation of water supply systems.

Recommendations for implementation or results of implementation of research results - The results of the research can be implemented to solve problems in water intake with simultaneous water purification in drinking and technical water supply systems, as well as in other sectors of the economy where it is not practical to build special treatment facilities. Forecast proposals for the development of the research object - A new design of a water intake and treatment device as the main object of research, to be further developed to reduce the turbidity of the intake water to 65–70%. Research into slow filtration technology will continue as preliminary testing of slow filtration technology on modified local zeolite has shown how economically and environmentally beneficial this method.


The list of published works on the topic The program of targeted financing in the Web of Science and Scopus database


  1. Kassymbekov Zh, ShinibaevA., Kassymbekov G.  Study of discharge and jump of water flow from water regulatory structures in channels /Journal of Water and Land Development/ 2022, No. 53 (IV–VI): 22–29/ DOI: 0.24425/jwld.2022.140776 (квартиль  Q3, процентиль 51%). (на английском)
  2. Zhuzbay Kassymbekov, Yerzhan Kuldeev and Galymzhan Kassymbekov. Study of an Ejector Water Intake and Treatment Plant with a Pressure-Vacuum Hydrocyclone Water 2022, 14(18), 2855; doi:10.3390/w14182855 (квартиль  Q1, процентиль  76%.). (на английском)

Application for an invention in 2022

  1. Заявка «Способ получения полиоксихлорида алюминия» рег. № 2022/0604.1 от 07.10.2022 /Бойко Г.И., Сармурзина Р.Г., Кенжалиев Б.К., Галиева Н.П.,  Кеняйкин П.В., Карабалин У.С., Тиесов Д.С.  Электронная подача Заявления на изобретение 2728617 «Способ получения полиоксихлорида алюминия» № 170303 Входящий №2022-47580    от 07.10.22. Штрих код № 2728617(на русском)


The list of published works on the topic for 2023 in the Web of Science and Scopus database

  1. R.G. Sarmurzina, G.I. Boiko, B.K. Kenzhaliyev , U.S. Karabalin, N.P.Lyubchenko , P.V. Kenyaikin, Zh.B. Ilmaliyev Coagulants for water based on activated aluminum alloys// Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage. Volume 9, Issue 4 , October 2023, Pages 673-690. Глобальныжурнал экологической науки и менеджмента (GJESM).  Homepage: Original Research Paper . Q1 , Процентиль 77 (на английском)
  2. Kaldibek Abdiyev ,Seitkhan Azat ,Erzhan Kuldeyev , Darkhan Ybyraiymkul, Sana Kabdrakhmanova, Ronny Berndtsson,Bostandyk Khalkhabai, Ainur Kabdrakhmanova, and Shynggyskhan Sultakhan, “Review of Slow Sand Filtration for RawWater Treatment with Potential Application in Less-Developed Countries”, Water 2023, 15, 2007. (Процентиль 76, Q1). (на английском)
  3. Erzhan Kuldeyev, Kairat Ospanov, Dariusz Andraka and Snejanna Merkýreva. Experimental Study on the Application of Sludge from Water Treatment Plant as a Reagent for Phosphate Removal from Wastewater. Water (Процентиль 76, Q1) 2023, 15(15), 2691; (на английском)
  4. Е. Kuldeyev , М.Seitzhanova , S. Tanirbergenova  , K.Tazhu , E. Doszhanov, Z. Mansurov, S.Azat , Ruslan Nurlybaev and Ronny Berndtsson ,Modifying Natural Zeolites to Improve HeavyMetal Adsorption Water (Процентиль 76, Q1)  2023, 15, 2215. (на английском)
  5. Kuldeyev, E.I.; Orynbekov, Y.S.; Mansurov, Z.A.; Nurlybayev, R.E.; Zhumadilova, Z.O.; Murzagulova, A.A. Applicability of Zeolite from the Daubabinsk and Chankanai Deposits as a Sorbent for Natural Waters. Water (Процентиль 76, Q1) 2023, 15, 2231.на английском)

In print

  1. Ronny Berndtsson, Seitkhan Azat, Erzhan Kuldeyev, Sana Kabdrakhmanova, Bostandyk Khalkhabai, Darkhan Ybyraiymkul, Ainur Baikadamova, Shynggyskhan Sultakhan, Kaldibek Abdiyev, “Anthropogenic Pollution of Groundwater Affecting Drinking Water Quality in the Pavlodar Region Kazakhstan”,Science of the total environment (процентиль 95, Q1, under review ) (на английском)
  2. Mathematical model of slow filtration of water using zeolites.  Zh. Alsar, B. Kurbanova, E. Kuldeev, Z. Mansurov, and Z. Insepov. Water | An Open Access Journal from MDPI (Процентиль 76, Q1, under review).. (на английском)
  3. N.V. Sidorova, M.A. Imanbayev, B. Khalkhabay, A.A. Zharmenov. E. Kuldeyev, S. Azat, R. Berndtsson. New spatial-globular structure polymer for pre-treatment in reverse osmosis membrane filtration. Journal of water process engineering (Процентиль 93, Q1) , 2023, (under review). (на английском)

The list of published works in journals recommended by the Committee for Control in the field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023

  1. Tumlert V.A., Kassymbekov Zh.K. Zh.K., Dzhaisambekova R.A. , Tumlert E.V. , Amanbayeva B.Sh. Influence of the hydrogeological mode of operation on the character of collating of the filter and the filter  Zone of seasonal wells/ News of  the academy of sciences  of the republic of Kazakhstan. Satbayev University, Series  of  geology    and   technical   sciences, № 3(459), may – june 2023, Almaty, pp 294-304.на английском)
  2. Г.И. Бойко , Р.Г. Сармурзина , Н.П. Галиева, У.С. Карабалин, Д.С. Тиесов , Т.Р. Аханова , П.В. Кеняйкин Перспективы использования энергоаккумулирующих веществ в решении экологических проблем нефтяной отрасли// Ж. Вестник нефтегазовой отрасли Казахстана. 2023. Том 5, №2 (2023.)-с.128-154. DOI:на русском)
  3. Азат С. Кабдрахманова С., Кабдрахманова А., Абдиев К. Арып К., Кульдеев Е., Халхабай Б., Султахан Ш., Раш А. Качественные показатели питьевой воды Майского района Павлодарской области Республики Казахстан // Вестник НЯЦ. – 2023. - № 2. – С. 25 – 35.на русском)
  4. Сейтжанова, М.А., Досжанов, Е.О., Кульдеев, Е.И., Мансуров, З.А., Тажу, К., Танирбергенова, С.К., Канжаркан, E., Тажкенова, Г.К. Влияние термической обработки на сорбционные характеристики цеолита применяемого в процессе очистки воды // Горение и Плазмохимия. 2023. Т. 21. № 3. С. 173–179. doi: 10.18321/cpc21(3)127-138. (на русском)
  5. Fischer, D.E., Kuldeyev, Y.I., Bektenov, N.A., Atanova, O.V., Amanzholova, L.U., Toilanbay, G.A., Smailov, K.M. Research on the application of microwave synthesis to obtain aluminum-containing coagulant // Горение и Плазмохимия. 2023. Т. 21. № 3. С. 127–138. doi: 10.18321/cpc21(3)173-179. (на английском)
  6. К.Т.Оспанов, Е.И.Кульдеев, С.Н.Меркурьева, А.Б.Абдукадырова. Использование осадка водопроводных очистных сооружений в качестве реагента для очистки сточных вод от фосфатов. Научный журнал «Исследование,  результаты», КазНАУ, Алматы, 2023. №4 (100). (на русском)

Materials of the 2023 conference

  1. G.I. Boiko, P.V. Kenyaikin, R.G. Sarmurzina, B.K. Kenzhaliyev, K.T. Tastambek, N.P. Lyubchenko. Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Parameters of Natural, Industrial Recycled Water and Its. Treatment /ICSEE 2023: 025-019, статус  статьи:  публикация в журнале “American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings”: International conference on sustainability engineering education ( ICSЕЕ), 2023 (Environment and energy), 24-25 июня 2023 , Малайзия, индексируются: Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), and Astrophysics Data System (ADS) (на английском)
  2. П.В. Кеняйкин, Н.Б.Тiлеубеков, А.Е. Галиева. Эффективность очистки природной и оборотной вод полиоксихлоридом алюминия на основе активированного сплава алюминия/ Труды Международной научно-практической конференции «International Satbayev Conference 2023 (Сатпаевские Чтения – 2023). Наука и технологии: от идеи до внедрения». Volume 2, 653-657. (на русском)
  3. А.Т. Тлеукулов, К.Т. Оспанов, У.Г. Дюсенгазина, Г.Н. Муханова. Головные очистные сооружения водопровода города Алматы. Актуальные проблемы науки и техники. Инноватика / Сборник научных статей по материалам XII Международной научно-практической конференции (26 мая 2023 г., г. Уфа). / В 3 ч. Ч.3 – Уфа: Изд. НИЦ Вестник науки, 2023. стр. 156-171. (на русском)

Application for an invention in 2023

  1. №32209 от 04 июля 2023 год. Заявка на изобретение «Способ получения композитной диатомитовой мембраны для медленной фильтрации воды», Алсар Ж.Т, Гаджимурадова А.М., Тыныштыкбаев К.Б., Серік Н.Ғ, Азат С., Кульдеев Е.Т., Инсепов З.А. (на русском)

Patents for 2023

  1. Патент KZ на  изобретение № 36300 «Водозаборное  очистное  сооружение» (заявка  № 2022/0374.1от 14.06.2022), авторы  Касымбеков  Ж.К.,Кульдеев Е.И.,  Касымбеков Г.Ж., утвержден  21.07.2023.Приложение (на русском)
  2. Патент на полезную модель №7895. 2023/0094.2, утвержден 24.03. 2023. «Способ получения сорбента на основе природного цеолита». Танирбергенова С.К., Мансуров З.А., Досжанов Е.О., Жылыбаева Н.К., Кульдеев Е.И., Канжаркн Е., Тажу К. Сейтжанова М.А. Приложение (на русском)

Scientific projects of the university

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