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AP09058620 «Web-GIS development based on complex geodynamic monitoring data for LTD "Kazakhmys Corporation" deposit field»

The relevance of the project

Currently, in many countries of the world there is an active use of radar data for monitoring purposes. In Italy, England, the Netherlands, USA, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, there is a progressive development and modification of the methods of analysis and interpretation of radar data. Developments in the field of radar interferometry in the United States are taking place within the framework of scientific work of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and in the European Union - ESA. As a well-known example of active use of radar data, one can cite the results of research work carried out before and after the famous earthquake that occurred in 2003. in the Iranian city of Bam. As a result of the processing of radar data, it was possible to assess serious changes in the earth's surface in the territories adjacent to the city and destruction in residential areas.

However, the massive use of radar data over the past 4 years has become possible with the advent of Sentinel-1 radar data, which are in the public domain. The article entitled "Possibilities of using the data of the New Sentinel-1 satellite" provides examples of the application of Sentinel-1 radar data in different branches of life.

Scientists from England David Gee, Andrew Sowter and others also carried out a number of studies to monitor deformations of the earth's surface over an oil and gas and mining field, as a result, deformations over these fields were identified, and the results were compared with ground data to assess the accuracy of the result. Having received a satisfactory result, they came to the conclusion that these radar images are suitable for monitoring tasks.

The effectiveness of the use of SAR data for monitoring the displacements of the earth's surface in the oil-producing industries of Kazakhstan can also be confirmed by the scientific article "Space radar monitoring of displacements of the earth's surface on the example of one of the oil fields of the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

The fundamental difference between this study will be the development of an integrated system for collecting and storing complex geodynamic monitoring data using WEB-GIS and its implementation in the production process.

The main objective of the project

Ensuring industrial safety in the territory of the mining enterprise by conducting a complex monitoring of geodynamic processes and implementing the obtained data in the Web GIS format.

Expected results

As a result of the project, the following results will be obtained:

An algorithm for complex monitoring of geodynamic processes at the fields using modern satellite technologies will be developed. Scientific and methodological instructions for processing and analyzing the collected data have been developed.

Based on the data received, a web geographic information system will be developed. The developed interactive system will make it possible to create a centralized database, manage the quality of measurement works and coordinate the work of the mine surveying and geomechanical services of the mining enterprise.

The developed Web application will make it possible to quickly determine the areas of probable deformation processes during the development of deposits, which will lead to an increase in the level of safety of work, to reduce the cost of eliminating the consequences of collapses and other deformation processes.

Achieved results

The results obtained for the first year of the study were: (1) analysis of the existing system of instrumental observations, mining, geological, and mining conditions; (2) determination of potentially unstable zones according to mining and geological data; (3) conducting a zero series of GNSS measurements; (4) development of the database structure; (5) interferometric processing of the first series of images; and (5) map of displacements of the earth's surface of the object under study. For the first time, the following was performed for the object: An analysis of the loss of benchmarks according to the lists of subsidence of the earth's surface along profile lines starting in 1958, a visualization of potentially unstable zones was created, a map of average displacement change rates was built using the PS method, and a database structure was developed.

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers

  1. Orynbasarova Elmira Orynbasarovna - scientific supervisor
  2. Baltieva Aminyam Abdulhamitovna - chief researcher
  3. Erzhankyzy Ainur - senior researcher
  4. Kamza Anzhelika Talasovna - senior researcher
  5. Grebby Steven - chief researcher
  6. Togaybekov Anuar Zhanybekovich - senior researcher
  7. S’edina Svetlana Andreevna

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