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AP09260842 «Research, development, implementation of innovative dust removal technology in Almaty metro using circulating flows from piston action of moving trains»

The relevance of the project.

As is known, the national security of any country includes a number of fundamental components, including technological and social.

The metropolitan is one of the most important and prestigious business cards of a large metropolis, such as Almaty. The presence of the metro illustrates the high technological level of the city and the country where it is built. Comfort and safety of passenger transport have a strong social effect, to improve the quality of life of the modern city resident in conditions of a dynamic lifestyle. The creation of an ecological environment in the metro with a dust content that does not exceed the standard values is important.

The problem of dust capture in the metro, practically in all CIS countries and in the far abroad is not carried out effectively. The results of the research and the practical implementation of the results of dust removal at the stations of the Almaty metro can be in demand in the metro of the CIS and European countries.

We propose to use innovative solutions for the dust-capture and dust-removal system, the advantages of which are:

- The dust and dust removal systems are constantly in place during train traffic, with the dust-capturing intensity directly proportional to the train frequency and passenger traffic;

- The proposed dust removal system does not require additional energy costs to move the dusty airflow through the filters, because the energy of circulating air flows from moving trains is used;

- The recommended dust capture system does not require additional costs for expensive waste filter materials, and the removal of captured dust is carried out permanently in the sewerage;

- The dust capture and dust removal system does not contain moving parts, i.e. is reliable.

Thus, the proposed dust removal and dust capture system for its practical implementation requires conducting research at the most modern level using the network modeling of air distribution in the metro, determining the microclimate of the inner air of underground facilities, performing a 3D simulation to determine the flow structure at the site of installation of labyrinth filters and optimization parametric and morphological modeling for determining the aerodynamic form of labyrinth filter elements.

The main objective of the project:

Development of innovative technology of dust removal using labyrinth filters of increased efficiency in underground metro structures.

Expected results

The main result of this project is the study, development and introduction of innovative technology of dust removal in underground structures of the Almaty metro based on the use of circulating streams from piston action of trains moving in tunnels.

The overall expected results are as follows:

1. As a result of the in-depth experiments, air sanitary and hygienic parameters were determined in underground structures of Almaty metro.

2. A network mathematical model of air distribution in the system of tunnel ventilation of the Almaty metro was developed, allowing to model modes of tunnel ventilation taking into account piston action of trains.

3. Dependencies of air distribution through station ventilation failures on the basis of developed network mathematical model were obtained.

4. Dependencies of structure of air speed fields in ventilation blows from the speed of metro trains were revealed.

5. Rational aerodynamic forms of elements of innovative maze dust-capturing filters with increased efficiency and their technology of operation have been developed.

Using the obtained results it will be possible to determine the parameters of the microclimate of the inner air of underground metropolitan structures, 3D modeling for determining the flow structure at the site of installation of maze filters and optimization parameter and morphological modeling for determining the aerodynamic form of elements of maze filters.

Achieved results:

A study of air exchange and air distribution from the piston action of moving trains for individual stations of the metro line and an assessment of its effect on tunnel ventilation based on experimental data on air flow parameters and technical documentation of the Almaty metro were carried out. The novelty of this stage is the development of a mathematical model of the air distribution of the operating line of the Almaty metro, taking into account the piston action of trains.

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers:

  1. Unaspekov Berikbay Akibayevich - scientific supervisor
  2. Irgibayev Tuleukhan Irgibayevich - researcher
  3. Berdali Meirman Nurzhanuly - researcher
  4. Kuspangaliev Mahambet Bolatovich - researcher
  5. Tazabekov Murat Zhunisovich - Engineer

Scientific projects of the university

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