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AP08856422 «Development of an innovative technology for intensifying downhole uranium mining using a hydrodynamic decolmatization device in combination with a complex of multifunctional chemicals»

The relevance of the project

Scientific Novelty of the Project consists in the establishment of the regularities of change of the properties and structure of sediments from the composition of chemical reagents of multifunctional purpose; substantiation of the rational parameters of the mechanical impact of the hydrodynamic decalmatation device, in conditions of the complex of chemical reagents for multifunctional purpose; creation of an innovative technology based on the combination of hydrodynamic decalmatation device and a complex of chemical reagents for multifunctional purpose.

The principal difference between the idea of the project and its existing analogues is the use of the developed innovative technology based on a combination of hydrodynamic decalmatation device and a set of chemical reagents for the intensification of downhole uranium mining.

As compared to the known existing analogues, the proposed technology of downhole uranium mining increases well productivity by 10-12% and reduces material and operating costs by 10-15%.   

The main objective of the project

To improve the efficiency of downhole mining of uranium ores via the innovative technology for the intensification of downhole uranium mining with the use of hydrodynamic decalmatation device in combination with a set of chemical reagents for multifunctional purposes.

Expected results

Manufacture and use of a hydrodynamic decalmatation device in combination with a complex of chemical reagents for the intensification of downhole uranium production; creation of the scientific basis for the selection of an effective technology for well decalmatation and increase of the filtration parameters of the productive horizon of ore-bearing rocks, ensuring the effective removal and prevention of sedimentation in the filter zone of the productive horizon; development of generalized scientific and methodological recommendations on the intensification of downhole mining of uranium ores in difficult mining and geological conditions; increase of the wells productivity, operational indicators of blocks reducing the specific consumption of sulfuric acid, electricity and other production costs by 15-20%, ensuring the competitiveness of uranium products in the world market.  

Achieved results

The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sediment formation at the uranium deposits "Irkol", "Kanzhugan" and "Northern Karamurun" are summarized; -solutions of chemical reagents for the destruction and prevention of sedimentation in the process of downhole uranium mining were selected and laboratory studies were carried out to determine the effectiveness of the impact on sedimentation. It was found that a solution of hydrofluoric acid (HF) of 10%, H2SO4-1%, and surfactant-1% with complexing properties is the most efficient. The novelty lies in the fact that the structure and quantitative and qualitative parameters of sedimentation have been established, which confirms the precipitation of gypsum in the conditions of a sulfuric acid uranium mining well, and the most effective complex of chemical reagents for the destruction and prevention of sedimentation is solutions of hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids with the addition of surfactants with complexing properties.

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers

  1. Rakishev Bayab Rakishevich - scientific supervisor
  2. Matayev Muhametkali Musagalievich - chief researcher
  3. Kenzhetayev Zhiger Smadevich - senior researcher
  4. Shampikova Asel Khairzhanovna - leading researcher

List of publications:

  1. Rakishev, B., Mataev M.M., Kenzhetayev, Z., Shampikova, A., Tohtaruly B. « Innovative methods for intensifying borehole production of uranium in ores with low filtration characteristics». Известия Национальная академия наук Республики Казахстан. Серия «Геологии и Технических наук». – 2020. - 6(444),  - с. 213-219.
  2. Rakishev, B., Mataev M.M., Kenzhetayev, Z., Altaybayev, B., Shampikova, A. « Research into leaching of uranium from core samples in tubes using surfactants».  Mining of Mineral Deposits. – 2020 – 14(4), - С. 97-104.
  3. Ракишев, Б.Р., Язиков, Е.Г., Матаев, М.М., Кенжетаев, Ж.С. « Выщелачивание урана из материала керновых проб в трубках с применением окислителя». Горный журнал. – 2021   №9(2290) С. 84-89 
  4. Ракишев Б.Р., Матаев М.М., Кенжетаев Ж.С., Шампикова А.Х. «Способ скважинной добычи урана из карбонатных  и низкопроницаемых руд». Патент Республики Казахстан № 5976, 15.07.2019. 09.04.2021, бюллетень №14.

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