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IRN: AP14971031 “Research and implementation of a bimodal system for detecting unmanned aerial vehicles in real time”

The goals of the project are to develop a reliable automated bimodal system for detecting unauthorized access of flight objects to highly protected infrastructures in real time, to compare the differences between a system using only camera images and a bimodal system combining LiDAR and camera data, to check how much the proposed bimodal system improves accuracy localization of flight objects.

Relevance of the project: The purpose of this research project is to develop a reliable automated bimodal system for detecting in real time unauthorized entry of suspicious aviation objects into highly protected infrastructures, comparing the difference between a system using only a camera image and a bimodal system combining to check the magnification LiDAR and camera data will be sent about how accurate the proposed bimodal aircraft object localization system is. By integrating the camera sensor and LiDAR, data fusion or I/O integration methods are tested individually and the most effective method is selected.

Project executor: Seidaliyeva U.O. and Eric Matson

Results obtained: project start - 2023

Implementation period: 2022-2024.

Scientific projects of the university

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