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AP08856867 "Development and testing of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of the technological process of purification of yellow phosphorus in the conditions of the NDPP"


Development of an optimal control model for the technological process of purification of yellow phosphorus from arsenic and organic impurities based on the knowledge, experience and intuition of process operators, instead of creating a mathematical description of the technological processes themselves. This will significantly reduce the development time for optimal control algorithms for the phosphorus purification process, improve the adequacy of the mathematical control model (control algorithm) and thereby increase the efficiency and safety of the control system being created..

Objective of the project

The purpose of this project is to develop and test intelligent algorithms for optimal control of technological processes for the purification of phosphorus from arsenic and organic matter in the industrial conditions of the NDPP.

The expected results of the project are

The methods and means proposed by us will make it possible to create intelligent systems of optimal control for any technological processes. The created system for optimal control of the process of purification of phosphorus from arsenic and organic matter in the industrial conditions of the NDPP can provide a significant economic effect, taking into account the rather high price of purified yellow phosphorus.

Results achieved

Results of the work and their novelty: - FFE planning matrices for the processes of settling yellow phosphorus, as well as purification of phosphorus from organic impurities and arsenic, were formed; - intelligent models for managing these processes were synthesized and their adequacy, stability, unambiguity and sensitivity were studied.

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers

  1. Suleimenov Batyrbek Aitbaevich - Scientific adviser
  2. Suleimenov Aituar Batyrbekovich - Leading Researcher
  3. Omirbekova Zhanar Zhumakhankyzy - Performer
  4. Turymbetov Nurbol Sharipbayevich - Senior Researcher
  5. Bataev Nurlan Aibulatovich - Junior Research Fellow
  6. Toktasynova Nigina Rishatovna - Junior Research Fellow
  7. Kulakova Elena Alexandrovna - Junior Research Fellow
  8. Doshtaev Bakytzhan Zhubanyshovich - Junior Research Fellow
  9. Suleimenov Alibek Batyrbekovich - Senior Researcher

List of publications

  1. Toktassynova, N., Fourati, H., Suleimenov, B.  Application of grey system theory to phosphorite sinter process: From modeling to control, Asian Journal of Control, 2021, 23(1), стр. 13–22 (Scopus, процентиль журнала 70), DOI: 10.1002/asjc.2348. Ссылка
  2. Toktasynova Nigina, Suleimenov B.A., Kulakova Ye.A.,  Modeling of phosphorus production processes and developing a management structure based on grey systems. Energy – and resource-saving technologies of developing the raw-material base of mining regions. Multi-authored monograph. – Petroșani, Romania: UNIVERSITAS Publishing, 2021. – P.505. P.239-275, ISBN 978-973-741-733-6, UDC 622.002, DOI .
  3. Nurlan Batayev, Batyrbek Suleimenov, Sagira Batayeva. Centrifugal Compressor Anti-Surge Control System Modelling. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol 12, No 1 (Scopus, процентиль журнала 52, одобрена к публикацию в феврале 2022г.).
  4. Yelena Kulakova, Waldemar Wójcik, Batyrbek Suleimenov, Andrzej Smolarz, Comparison of intelligent control methods for the ore jigging process. International journal of electronics and telecommunications, Vol 67, No 3 (2021) (Scopus, процентиль журнала 28).

Scientific projects of the university

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