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ИРНAP19675226 – Intelligent credit system for the manufacturer/importer of goods

Term of realization: 2023-2025 yy.

Objective of the project:

Create an intelligent system based on a scoring model. The scoring model will allow banks to quickly make decisions on lending to customers based on big data and artificial intelligence methods.


Currently, banks are implementing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in every business process and plan to extend this technology to all areas of their business. For example, banks have been automatically scoring borrowers for a long time.

However, there are no credit lines for manufacturers and importers of goods in Kazakhstan, so many companies use foreign solutions for the commercial use of technologies in the domestic market. Consequently, confidential user data exported using foreign solutions has a negative impact on the economy of Kazakhstan. They include the dissemination of personal data, which is currently assessed as a valuable national resource.

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of "Software Engineering" Moldagulova A.N.

Quantitative and qualitative composition of project performers: 11 performers, consisting of: 1 Doctor of Sciences, 4 PhD and candidates of sciences, 1 doctoral, 1 master, 4 developer.

Scientific projects of the university

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