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AP08856630 "Assessment of the quality of spatial electromagnetic noise in active information protection systems"


To implement the tasks set, our own scientific results will be used, which can serve as the basis for determining the statistical and nonlinear, as well as information-entropy characteristics of the quality of generators of spatial electromagnetic noise. Preliminarily obtained existing chaotic modes are tested in high-speed programmable logic integrated circuits. They differ from other types of analog generators in accuracy, stability and speed of data processing due to parallel data calculation..

The results of the project will be applicable to ensure the information security of both existing and planned deployment of informatization objects, in the development and production of domestic information security tools, as well as in confirming its compliance with security requirements..

The results obtained during the implementation of the project will improve the security of information during its processing at the informatization facilities of state bodies and organizations, as well as the private sector.

Objective of the project

Evaluation of the quality of spatial electromagnetic noise in active information protection systems.

The expected results of the project are

As a result of the work carried out,:

1) a laboratory bench for measuring masking noise interference was created;

2) software has been developed for automated calculation of the quality of masking noise interference;

3) a mock-up sample of the device for assessing the quality of noise interference was designed;

4) guidelines have been developed for assessing the quality of masking noise interference of the GN.

5) developed a microwave noise-like signal generator based on high-speed programmable logic integrated circuits based on our own circuit models.

Results achieved

The analysis of the main parameters of the GN and the existing methods for assessing the quality of noise has been carried out. Various characteristics of noise generators and ways to study them are studied. The existing approaches to assessing the quality of masking noise interference are studied, the main requirements for the experimental setup are determined, and an experimental-measuring setup is created for measuring the characteristics of generators of spatial electromagnetic noise. An article was published in the journal included in the Scopus database.

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers

  1. Seilova Nurgul Abadullaevna - Scientific adviser
  2. Dzhuruntaev Djoldas Zaurbekovich - Chief Researcher
  3. Batyrgaliev Askhat Bolatkanovich - Leading Researcher
  4. Dzhangozin Zhanibek Adilzhanovich - Senior Researcher
  5. Baibatchaeva Dana Adilkhanovna - Senior Researcher
  6. Nurgabylov Nurlybek Nurlanuly - Researcher
  7. Ibraev Renat Bulatovich - Researcher

Scientific projects of the university

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