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AP08857367 «Development of innovative technologies for improving energy efficiency and reliability of centrifugal pumps manufactured in Kazakhstan»

The relevance of the project.

The project idea will be aimed at solving a multicriteria problem consisting in the integration of approaches to improve energy efficiency and reliability of pumping equipment. The methods will include modifying the geometry of the flowing parts, in order to improve the geometry of the flowing part of the pump, which will improve the kinematics of the flow, the homogeneous lattice of the blades will be heterogeneous, changing the properties (modification) of solid surfaces interacting with the pumped liquid by replacing the material of the centrifugal impeller with metal on composite polymers, which will also allow a positive effect on the dynamic characteristics of the pump by reducing the force of imbalance.Previous studies in this area were carried out in the direction of changing the blade geometry to a double curvature blade, or changing the shape of the disks by the “dressing” method, the problems of friction of the flow were solved by applying hydrophobic coatings to the working disks and the channels of the impellers, vibration reduction was carried out by installing dynamic dampers. The idea proposed in the project will reduce the technological chain of impeller modification by one large stage of hydrophobization of a metal impeller. The developed impeller will combine two optimal parameters: geometry and interaction with the pumped medium.

The main objective of the project:

The goal of the project is to develop innovative technologies for designing and manufacturing centrifugal pumps with impellers that have a modernized heterogeneous impeller grid and are made of modern composite materials. The design of the centrifugal pump with modified impellers will meet modern standards of energy efficiency and reliability.

Expected results

2) publication of monographs, books and (or) chapters in books of foreign and (or) Kazakhstan publishing houses: not planned.

3) obtaining patents in foreign patent offices (European, American, Japanese), in Kazakhstan or Eurasian patent offices: the design of a centrifugal pump with a modified impeller is planned to be patented in the Kazakhstan patent office.

4) development of scientific, technical, design documentation: as a result of the modification of the centrifugal pump, design and technological documentation will be created for the production of the impeller from polymer and the assembly of the pump. The design of the hydrodynamic stand, drawings for assembly will also be created.

5) Dissemination of the results of the work among potential users, the community of scientists and the general public: the research results will be implemented in the production process at the KARLSKRONA LC AB factory and in the educational process for lecturing for students of the specialty “Industrial Engineering”

6) other measurable results in accordance with the requirements of the tender documentation and the features of the project. Additionally, the section indicates:

1) scope and target consumers of each of the expected results;

The consumers of the results will be the KARLSKRONA LC AB plant, the plant will be offered innovative centrifugal pump design technologies that will increase the energy efficiency and reliability of the CTP 15 pump, the implementation will serve as general recommendations for modifying the centrifugal pump line.

2) the impact of expected results on the development of the main scientific field and related fields of science and technology;

The results will affect the development of the science of hydraulics, the dynamics and strength of machines, computer modeling and material science.

3) applicability and (or) the possibility of commercializing the obtained scientific results;

The obtained scientific results will find widespread use in technology and in industry.

4) social, economic, environmental, scientific and technical, multiplicative and (or) other effect of the project results with justification;

Based on the results of this study, it is planned to develop proposals and recommendations for modification, computer modeling and design of a centrifugal pump with polymer impellers. The practical and scientific significance of the work lies in the fact that its most important provisions and results will be used in experimental design work on the creation of a centrifugal pump.

As a result of the project will be:

- created modified design of a centrifugal pump;

- held an analysis of the strength, dynamic parameters of the structural elements of a centrifugal pump;

- behaved computer and physical experiments on the selection of polymer composites

- polymers selected - impeller composites;

- computer and physical experiments were conducted to determine the pressure properties of the pump;

- hydraulic stand design created;

- the parameters of the 3D printing process of high geometric accuracy for composites are selected;

- a computer model of the designed KA, verified by virtual experiments using CAE systems;

- design documentation created

- Technology Competency Center MSC Software will be created

- a laboratory for digital design of technological equipment will be created

Achieved results:

The strength calculations of the pump units were carried out based on the results of calculating the sufficient strength factor of the centrifugal impeller design. A study of the flow movement in the Sflow system showed that impellers designed in automatic mode give an increase in pressure characteristics of 50%, 20%, and 10%, respectively, for wheels with 6, 7, and 8 blades. According to the results of modeling the properties of a composite made from a polycarbonate matrix with a content of glass fibers in a volume of 10%, the upper stress limit reaches the value of = 90 MPA, the modulus of elasticity of the first kind is E = 3200 MPA, and the modulus of elasticity of the second kind is G = 1156 MPA. For 20% fiber content, = 120 MPA, E = 4029 MPA, G = 1498 MPA, = 0.33, for 30% inclusion content, = 150 MPA, E = 5060 MPA, G = 1895 Poisson's ratio = 0.32. The scientific novelty lies in the development of the composition of the composite material.

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers:

  1. Isametova Madina Esdauletovna – scientific supervisor
  2. Karaivanov Dimitr Petkov– senior researcher
  3. Nusipali Rollan Karsonuly- researcher
  4. Kaldan Gabit Usenuly- researcher
  5. Isametov Aisen Beibytuly- researcher
  6. Nurtayeva Sholpan Baidenovna– junior researcher
  7. Dishovskii Nikolay - senior researcher

List of publications:

  1. Автоматизация проектирования рабочего колеса центробежного насоса с модифицированной лопастной решеткой.         Вестник КазНИТУ, № 1 (143), Алматы 2021. М.Е. Исаметова, Р.К. Нусіпәли, Г.У. Калдан, О.А. Джасинбеков, Х.А. Ахмедов.
  2. Isametova M., Abilezova G., Dishovsky N., Velev P. Development and verification of mechanical characteristics of a composite material made of a thermoplastic matrix and short glass fibers. Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies, 5 (12 (113)), 30–38. 2021.
  3. Modeling the strength of materials for additive technologies    ISBN – 978-9-40361-480-9 The X international science conference «Implementation of scientific foundations in practice», April 19 – 21, 2021, Turin, italy. 157 p. Isametova M.E Almasbek B.
  4. Оперативное изготовлении технологической оснастки посредством 3D технологии.         Труды Сатпаевских чтений «Сатпаевские чтения -2021», Том II – Алматы: КазНИТУ имени Сатпаева, 2021. - 1136 с.   А. Тұрсынбаева, Б. Алмасбек, М.Е. Исаметова.
  5. Ортадан тепкіш сорғының жұмысшы дөңгелегінің ағынды арналарын гидрофобтау.      Труды Сатпаевских чтений «Сатпаевские чтения -2021», Том II – Алматы: КазНИТУ имени Сатпаева, 2021. - 1136 с.   Р.К. Нусіпәли, М.Е. Исаметова.
  6. Аддитивные технологии в производстве литейных форм.   Труды Сатпаевских чтений «Сатпаевские чтения -2021», Том II – Алматы: КазНИТУ имени Сатпаева, 2021. - 1136 с.      Д.Ғ. Еспенбет. М.Е. Исаметова.

Scientific projects of the university

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