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AP0120РК00498 «Principles of training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan in the field of architecture and urban planning, competitive in the context of globalization and the search for national identity»

The purpose of the project:

Scientific substantiation of a new methodology for training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan in the field of architecture and urban planning, competitive at the global level, in the context of globalization and the search for national identity.


The scientific novelty of the project is due to the fact that for the first time in Kazakhstan, the problem of training the domestic architectural elite – international-level specialists capable of competing with outstanding architects of our time, and the ways and methods of achieving this goal are proposed.

Architecture is the art of spatial organization of the human material environment, which is in high demand in society, and to which new and increased requirements are being imposed. At the same time, the main property of architecture, as an art, to evoke an emotional response from people determines its special importance in the modern world. Outstanding architectural works of the past and present are the hallmark of many countries, a reflection of their status, one of the main factors in attracting tourists, making a significant contribution to the economy of these countries. Hence the social significance of the project aimed at forming a new generation of architects in Kazakhstan who are able to stand on a par with the authors of world–famous architectural works of the present time, create iconic and recognizable structures in the world, and thereby raise the economy and image of the country to a higher level.

Scientific supervisor: Alexey Abilov, Doctor of Architecture, Professor of the Department of Architecture

Project executors: 4 performers.


  • For the first time in the history of the Kazakh Architectural School, the model of a specialist architect of the XXI century, recommendations for the adjustment of educational programs for the training of architects in Kazakhstan, modern methods of teaching architects at the bachelor's level were formulated and justified.
  • The research results are embedded in the educational process.

Implementation period: 2020 – 2021/

Scientific projects of the university

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