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AR19679536 Study of the properties of positrons generated by runaway electrons in fusion reactors with magnetic confinement

Objective of the project:

The goal of this project is to conduct research into the properties of positrons generated by runaway electrons in magnetic confinement fusion reactors. The main objective of the project is to study the formation, dynamics and interaction of positrons in the reactor plasma, as well as to analyze their influence on the processes of thermonuclear fusion and plasma characteristics.

Relevance of the project:

The relevance of the project to study the properties of positrons generated by runaway electrons in magnetic confinement fusion reactors is due to several key factors: Understanding the role of positrons in the plasma of magnetic confinement fusion reactors is important for improving the efficiency and stability of these reactors. The research will reveal the influence of positrons on the characteristics of plasma and the mechanisms of the thermonuclear fusion reaction. The study of the properties of positrons requires the development and improvement of methods for their diagnostics. This will allow the creation of new tools for observing and analyzing the processes occurring inside reactors, and will provide a deeper understanding of plasma physics. Positrons have potential for applications in medicine and industry. Understanding their properties and generation capabilities in thermonuclear reactors can contribute to the development of new technologies and devices based on the use of positrons. All these factors make the study of the properties of positrons in thermonuclear reactors with magnetic confinement a relevant and promising area of scientific research.

Scientific supervisor: Dzhumagulova K.N.

Results obtained: project start – 2023.

Implementation period: 2023-2025.

Scientific projects of the university

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