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AP09259631 Developing Technology of Mining and Processing Sands from Old Large-Volume Placers with Predominance Disseminate, Fine-Grained, Free and Fixed Gold (Takyr-Kaldjirskiy)

1. Relevance

The relevance of the expansion of the gold mining industry raw material base of Kazakhstan in order to increase its production is not in doubt. Nevertheless, the traditional concept of developing the ore-mineral base of the gold mining industry, based on the prospecting the raw materials suitable for existing enterprises with well-developed technology and appropriate hardware design, has exhausted its technical and processing capabilities.

2. Objective of the project

The Objective of the Project is to develop the technology for sands from old large-volume placers in depressions containing finely dispersed gold difficult to be processed that will significantly expand Kazakhstan's resource base for gold, create new jobs and attract investment. The technology solves the problem of increasing the level of integrated and efficient use of mineral resources by recovering gold and associated minerals from various processing types of gold-bearing sands, and creating a single flowsheet and equipment for processing sands.

3. Expected results

The research results obtained during the implementation of the Project will become one of the most significant in solving the problem of recovering gold from placers containing FDG inclusions. The proposed technology for the processing of raw materials, in comparison with the currently used cyanide technology, is environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Putting into practice the developed technologies can involve in the development of resources of gold-bearing raw materials, that are currently not even considered as potential. The hardware design of processing stages of gold recovery will greatly simplified, the capital intensity of production will be reduced, and the multiplier effect will be achieved.

4. Results achieved

Geological and geomorphological types of gold placers have been identified in the area of the site: 1) Eocene age, large placers with fine and fine gold in quartz pebbles; 2) alluvial-proluvial, associated with modern valleys and logs; 3) Quaternary alluvial; 4) secondary proluvial; 5) secondary eluvial mantle-like placers in quartz pebbles of the Turanga Formation. Because of the large amounts of sand, it falls into the category of highly promising gold-placer areas.A new basic technological scheme for the processing of geological samples has been developed, which makes it possible to obtain enrichment products with free (1.0 microns) and bound (intergrowths, including other minerals) native gold. At the same time, for the first time, it was possible to coordinate technological and micromineralogical studies and conduct them in a single micrometer range in 3D format.

5. Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers

  1. Begalinov Abdrakhman – Scientific director
  2. Shautenov Mels Rakhimovich - Chief Researcher
  3. Tretyakov Aleksandr Valentinovich - Chief Researcher
  4. Almenov Talgat Makulbekovich - Leading Researcher
  5. Bektur Bakhytbek Kanybekuly - Senior Researcher
  6. Peregudov Valerii Vasilevich- Researcher
  7. Zhanakova Raisa Kulmakhanovna - junior researcher

6. List of publications

1. Перегудов В.В., Шаутенов М.Р., Бегалинов А., Третьяков А.В. «Новый тип золота в галечных образованиях россыпей». Научные основы и практика переработки руд и техногенного сырья: материалы XXVI Национальной научно-технической конференции, 26-27 мая 2021 г., проводимой в рамках XIX Уральской горнопромышленной декады 19-29 мая 2021 г., Екатеринбург: Издательство ООО «Типо¬ графия ФортДиалог», 2021. - 280 с. - ISBN 978-5-6045512-3-3. (стр. 41 – 46)     Зарубежные публикации

2. Кургузкин Е.В., Третьяков А.В., Перегудов В.В. «Некоторые особенности и золотоностность эоценовых отложений Такыр-Кальджирского участка в Восточном Казахстане». Материалы XVI Международного совещания по геологии россыпей и месторождений кор выветривания (г. Воронеж, ВГУ, 13-18 сентябрь 2021 г.). Воронеж, 2021. – 319с. (стр. 50-51) 

3. Третьяков А.В., Нигматов С.А., Габитова У.Б. «Преобразование древних россыпей в процессе развития рельефа». Материалы XVI Международного совещания по геологии россыпей и месторождений кор выветривания (г. Воронеж, ВГУ, 13-18 сентябрь 2021 г.). Воронеж, 2021. – 319с. (стр. 99-101). Зарубежные публикации

4. Перегудов В.В., Кургузкин Е.В., Ожогин Г.А., Третьяков А.В., Шаутенов М.Р. Технологический прорыв в обработке проб на россыпное золото. Материалы XVI Международного совещания по геологии россыпей и месторождений кор выветривания (г. Воронеж, ВГУ, 13-18 сентябрь 2021 г.). Воронеж, 2021. – 319с. (стр. 300-302)

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