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AP09260644 "Development of an effective multifunctional encapsulating composition to increase the yield of legumes"


Using the results of our early research, a new type of biodegradable films with improved technological properties will be created with organic agrominerals and biostimulants. The fundamental difference between the project and our previous work is that it is planned to obtain a polymer composite from starch without the use of the synthetic polymer PVA, which we used in our previous work, and using local zeolite-containing agrominerals and complexes of succinic acid derivatives with silver, copper and boron ions Fungicide-free formulations for incrustation of soybean seeds will be developed as biostimulants. Corn starch of domestic production (Zharkent starch plant - hereinafter ZhKZ) will be modified to give them film-forming properties, followed by a comprehensive study to study the influence of various factors (type of monomers, pH, temperature, solvent, plasticizer, fungicide, complexes of succinic acid with silver ions , copper and boron, zeolite-containing minerals) on film coatings.

Recent studies have revealed the prospects of using succinic acid (SA) and its derivatives as a biostimulant and adaptogen of plants from an ecological and economic point of view [48-50]. The main advantage of YaK, unlike other biostimulants, incl. imported is that it is used in small quantities and it is possible to produce large quantities in an inexpensive way [51]. It has been established that the use of YAK as presowing seed treatment agents increases plant height, the number of stems per plant, leaf surface area, and the content of pigments and nitrogen in tissues, and also increases plant resistance to phytopathogens [52–62]. Despite the available research on the use of succinic acid as a stimulating and protecting agent, the method of their application, the exact concentration, combinations with metals and polymers, as well as the issue of the effect of succinic acid on the germination and germination energy of soybean seeds, are poorly understood. This gap will be filled within the framework of our project, as the complexing ability of succinic acid and its derivatives of EDDIAC, HMDDAA, IDIAA and DMEAAC with Ag, Cu and boric acid will be studied to obtain fungicidal biostimulants. The physical and chemical properties of the complexes, their effects on the germination of soybean seeds in laboratory and field conditions will be studied on the basis of OHMK LLP, where soybean breeding work is carried out. Also of interest is the synthesis of borate complexes of succinic acid and its derivatives, due to the important physiological role of boron, especially for legumes.

Objective of the project

Development of a polyfunctional encapsulating composition for presowing treatment of soybean seeds using biodegradable polymers in combination with non-traditional agrominerals and fungicidal biostimulants, studying their effect on germination, growth, development, yield and technological qualities of crops.

Expected results

The development of biodegradable films for dressing seeds with nutritious biostimulating and fungicidal-active substances based on Kazakh raw materials can significantly increase seed germination and, as a result, increase soybean yield. This, in turn, reduces the import dependence of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. The application of the developed technology can provide an additional significant economic effect as a result of improving the quality of agricultural products, reducing the cost of seed encapsulation through the use of local raw materials, and contributes to improving the environmental situation in Kazakhstan. Potential target users of the results of the program may be the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, research institutes of agriculture, national parks, nature reserves, the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, and peasant farms. Potential customers will be the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, individuals, peasant farms and aktimats of villages and towns that are engaged in agriculture.

Results achieved

A phytopathological characteristic of soybean crops grown in the Eastern and South-Eastern regions of Kazakhstan has been established, and a method has been developed for obtaining agrominerals based on bentonites of the Tagan and Kolzhat deposits in combination with Cu and Ag nanoparticles. For the first time, clay from the Kolzhatsky deposit of the Almaty region was studied for use as agrominerals in the pre-sowing treatment of soybean seeds.

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers

  1. Kabdrakhmanova Sana Kanatbekovna - scientific adviser
  2. Sabu Thomas Томас - chief researcher
  3. Grigorchuk Natalia Fedorovna - senior researcher
  4. Gerasimova Elena Grigorievna
  5. Kabdrakhmanova Ainur Kanatovna
  6. Shaymardan Yesbol - junior research fellow
  7. Akatan Kydyrmolla - junior research fellow
  8. Aryp Kadiran - junior research fellow
  9. Gusenov Barhudar Shakhgusenovich

Scientific projects of the university

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