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AP08855521 «Study of the Transition of the Newtonian fluid flow to a viscoplastic state»

The relevance of the project.

1) development of the mathematical model of the non-isothermal flow of paraffinic oil under laminar and turbulent flow regimes; 2) development of the method for solving the system of equations of non-isothermal laminar and turbulent flow; 3) establishment of the laws governing the transition of the turbulent regime of the Newtonian fluid to a laminar viscoplastic flow.

The main objective of the project:

Investigation of the mathematical model and the method for calculating the transition of the non-isothermal flow of the Newtonian fluid to a viscoplastic state

Expected results

1. Physicochemical properties of paraffin oil, empirical dependences of dynamic viscosity and ultimate friction stress on temperature, laws of resistance and heat transfer. Database of the physicochemical properties of paraffin oil, pipeline parameters, soil thermal conductivity and empirical dependences of viscosity and ultimate friction stress on temperature for the SmartTranPro SP;

2. A mathematical model of the non-isothermal flow of paraffin oil in the pipeline using the Bingham fluid model. Systems of equations of motion, heat and mass exchange based on the laws of conservation of momentum, energy and mass, the k-e turbulence model. Determination of mass exchange coefficient during paraffin deposition. The boundary conditions of the system of equations of motion and heat and mass exchange, the k-e turbulence model;

3. A numerical method for solving the system of equations of the non-isothermal flow, heat-mass exchange, finite-difference schemes, algorithms for calculating difference equations, stability conditions for difference equations;

4. The program for the numerical calculation of the system of equations of non-isothermal flow, heat-mass exchange, the k-e turbulence model. The results of the test calculations by comparing with the actual data;

5. The results of the systematic numerical calculations of the system of equations of motion, heat-mass exchange of paraffin oil in the pipe, determination of the transition of the Newtonian fluid to a viscoplastic state under laminar and turbulent flow conditions;

6. Establishing the laws governing the transition of the Newtonian fluid to a viscoplastic state under laminar and turbulent regimes and the formulas for the coefficients of hydrodynamic resistance and heat exchange taking into account the transition of the Newtonian fluid flow to a viscoplastic state in the pipe.

7. Solving the problem of the non-isothermal flow of paraffin oil in laminar and turbulent regimes with the transition of the Newtonian fluid to a non-Newtonian state will contribute to the development of fluid mechanics and will increase the competitiveness of scientific research in Kazakhstan.

8. According to the results of the study, at least 2 (two) articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals on the scientific direction of the project will be published, included in 1 (first), 2 (second) or 3 (third) quartiles in the Web of Science database and (or) having a percentile of CiteScore in the Scopus database of at least 50 (fifty); as well as at least 1 (one) article in a peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publication with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by Committee for quality assurance in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Achieved results:

The main achieved results of the work are: 1. Development of a database for the SmarTranPro software package by determining the physicochemical and rheological properties of paraffinic oil, as well as the parameters of pumps, pipelines, and main oil pipeline soils.2. A numerical model of the turbulent motion and heat transfer of waxy oil in a pipelinemethod for solving the system of equations of motion and heat transfer The schedule of the grant study project was completed for 2021, and the results obtained made it possible to create a mathematical model of the turbulent motion and heat transfer of waxy oil in the pipeline.

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers:

  1. Zhapbasbayev Uzak Kairbekovich– scientific supervisor
  2. Pakhomov Maksim Aleksandrovich– leading researcher
  3. Ramazanova Gaukhar Izbasarovna– leading researcher
  4. Bekibayev Timur Talgatovich – chief researcher
  5. Soltanbekova Karlygash Alimhanovna- chief researcher
  6. Bosinov Daniyar Zhumadilovich – researcher
  7. Kudaibergen Azamat Doskeldiuly - researcher

List of publications:

1 Жапбасбаев У.К., Босинов Д.Ж.  Неизотермическое движение парафинистой нефти в трубопроводе // Вестник КазНУ. Сер. Математика, механика, информатика. 2020. Т. 108. № 4. С. 47–57. (База КОКСОН МОН РК). ISSN 1563–0277, ISSN 2617-4871 JMMCS. №4(108). 2020

2 Zhapbasbayev U.K., Ramazanova G.I. and et al.  Flow and heat exchange calculation of waxy oil in the industrial pipeline // Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2021. Vol. 26, №101007. Web of Science, Q1; Scopus, percentile 84.

3 Pakhomov M.A., Zhapbasbayev U.K.  RANS modeling of turbulent flow and heat transfer of non-Newtonian viscoplastic fluid in a pipe  // Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2021. Vol. 28, №101455. Web of Science, Q1; Scopus, percentile 84.

4 Bekibayev T.T., Zhapbasbayev U.K. and et al. Simulation of oil pipeline shutdown and restart modes // Complex Use of Mineral Resource. 2021. 316 (1). pp. 15-23. База КОКСОН МОН РК. Complex Use of Mineral Resources. №1 (316), 2021 ISSN-L 2616-6445, ISSN 2224-5243

5 Бекибаев Т.Т., Жапбасбаев У.К. и др. Интеллектуальная система трубопроводной транспортировки нефти// Сборник докладов Второго Международного Джолдасбековского Симпозиума «Механика будущего» 1-5 марта 2021г.

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