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Activated aluminum as an alternative source of energy and hydrogen in solving complex environmental problems of the oil industry", IRN - AP09260008

Scientific leader – Boyko Galina Ilyasovna


The search for alternative energy sources led to the emergence of a new direction in hydrogen energy, based on the application of energy-accumulating substances (EAs) with a chemothermal effect.

Objective of the project

The study of the role of the oxidizing environment, providing a controlled reactivity of activated aluminum alloys to water. Identification of the influence of the composition of the alloy, salinity and oil contamination of water on the formation of hydroxides, oxides, chlorides and sulfates of aluminum.

Creation of technological solutions for the use of ASA for a comprehensive solution of environmental problems of the oil industry, neutralization and purification of oil-contaminated lands, waste formation waters.

Expected results

Will be: A theoretical substantiation of the applicability of energy storage substances (EAS) oxidation products based on a new generation of ASA with aqueous solutions of various salinity, pH and oil pollution for a comprehensive solution of complex environmental problems of the oil industry.

Scientific foundations have been created and a new method for producing aluminum hydroxides and oxides based on activated aluminum alloys with specified physical and chemical properties has been developed. A comparative assessment of the efficiency of purification of various types of waters by the developed coagulants with the applied industrial analogues has been carried out.

A new generation of sorbents of complex action based on organomineral reagents and ASA was developed and tested for soil disinfection from oils and oil products, as well as waste formation waters contaminated with ethoxicants from Western Kazakhstan fields.

Preliminary results of the assessment of soil properties after disinfection with a complex sorbent indicate a high degree of disinfection and purification of oil-contaminated soils, as well as reservoir and waste waters.

The developed approach to the restoration of contaminated soils and water with oil and oil products will be tested during the reclamation of oil-contaminated areas of open evaporation ponds of ANPZ LLP.

Publication of results in scientific and technical domestic and foreign journals with a high IF patenting of new technical solutions attestation in the patent bureaus of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Results achieved

A theoretical substantiation of the applicability of the products of oxidation of energy-accumulating substances (EAS) based on a new generation of ASA with aqueous solutions of various salinity, pH and oil pollution for a comprehensive solution of complex environmental problems of the oil industry has been carried out.

Scientific foundations have been created and a new method for producing aluminum hydroxides and oxides based on activated aluminum alloys with desired physical and chemical properties has been developed. A comparative assessment of the efficiency of purification of various types of waters by the developed coagulants with the applied industrial analogues has been carried out.

A new generation of sorbents of complex action based on organomineral reagents and ASA was developed and tested for soil disinfection from oils and oil products, as well as waste formation waters contaminated with ethoxicants from Western Kazakhstan fields.

Preliminary results of the assessment of soil properties after disinfection with a complex sorbent indicate a high degree of disinfection and purification of oil-contaminated soils, as well as reservoir and waste waters.

The developed approach to the restoration of contaminated soils and water with oil and oil products will be tested during the reclamation of oil-contaminated areas of open evaporation ponds of ANPZ LLP.

Publication of results in scientific and technical domestic and foreign journals with a high IF, patenting of new technical solutions, attestation in the patent bureaus of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers

  1. Boyko Galina Ilyasovna - scientific director
  2. Sarmurzina Raushan Gaisievna - chief Researcher;
  3. Lyubchenko Nina Pavlovna - leading Researcher;
  4. Babaev Sailau Akhmetovich - leading Researcher;
  5. Baigaziev Meirzhan Talantovich - senior Researcher;
  6. Aitkalieva Gulzat Slyashevna - senior Researcher;
  7. Ayukaeva Valeria Nikolaevna - Researcher;
  8. Panova Elena Sergeevna - Researcher;
  9. Ziyaeva Tanzilya Rinatovna - junior researcher;
  10. Kenyaikin Pavel Vitalievich - junior researcher.

List of publications

  • Bojko G.I. Shajkhutdinov E.M. Lyubchenko N.P. Majmakov T.P. Sarmurzina R.G. Kasy`mgaliev K.M. Karabalin U.S Oczenka sostava asfal`tosmoloparafinovy`kh otlozhenij i nefti mestorozhdeniya Kumkol` metodami termicheskogo i IK-spektroskopicheskogo analizov//ISSN 0026-2448, RF Neftyanoe khozyajstvo. - S. 80-82 (6), 2015 IF 0,560, Q3, Proczentil` 26%
  •  Galina I. Boiko,Yerzhan A. Issabayev, Nina P. Lyubchenko, Yerengaip M. Shaikhutdinov, Hervé Muhr, Ludovic Colombeau, Philippe Arnoux, Céline Frochot Synthesis of unexplored aminophosphonic acid and evaluation as scale inhibitor for industrial water application // Journal of Water Process Engineering, 22 (2018) 192-202 IF 3.173, Q1, Proczentil` 91%
  •  G.I. Boiko, V.N. Aukayeva, S.A. Dergunov N.P. Lyubchenko R.G. Sarmurzina R.F. Mukhamedova U.S. Karabalin Polyoxyethylene sorbitan trioleate surfactant as an effective corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel protection// Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects// ISSN 0927-7757, Volume 579, (2019), 123636. IF 3.131, Q2, Proczentil` 76%
  •  Bojko G.I., Sarmurzina, R.G.Karabalin, U.S. Tiesov, D.S., Lyubchenko N.P., Panova E.S. Isabaev E.A. E`nergoakkumuliruyushhie veshhestva novogo pokoleniya v reshenii problemy` ochistki stochny`kh vod ob`ektov neftedoby`chi i neftepererabotki//Neft`.Gaz. Novaczii 2019,#5(222).-S.20-25 (RINCz – 0.171), ISSN 2077-5423
  •  Bojko G.I., R.G.Sarmurzina Novoe pokolenie e`nergoakkumuliruyushhikh veshhestv i kopoziczionny`kh sostavov dlya kompleksnogo resheniya problemy` pri doby`che i transporte nefti//Sbornik dokladov Nauchno-tenicheskogo soveta «Kazenergy» I tom-Nur-Sultan:2019-682s.(S.105- 124
  •  Evrazijskij patent # 201800334, A1 Opubl. 31.07.2019, zayavl. 25.05.2018 Sposob razrusheniya nefteshlama / Sarmurzina R.G., Bojko G.I., Lyubchenko N.P., Bajgaziev M.T., Karabalin U.S., Akchulakov B.U., Kozy`rev D.V.
  •  Patent RK #34095 po zayavka na izobretenie (reg. # 2018/ 0640.1 ot 14 sentyabrya   2018 goda) Sposob udaleniya sery` iz neftyanogo sy`r`ya /Bojko G.I., Sarmurzina R.G., Karabalin U.S., Tiesov D.S. Lyubchenko N.P., Nabidollaev S.E., Bojko E.A.
  •  R.G. Sarmurzina, U.S. Karabalin, B.U. Akchulakov, G.I. Bojko, N.P. Lyubchenko Kompoziczionny`e reagenty` dlya razrusheniya slozhny`kh vodoneftyany`kh e`mul`sij mestorozhdenij Zapadnogo Kazakhstana// NefteGazoKhimiya, # 4, 2016, str.45-50, Rossiya, g.Moskva, ISSN 2310-8266
  •  R. G.Sarmurzina, G. I.Boiko, M. Baigaziyev, U. S.Karabalin, N. P.Lubchenko, L. S.Boiko New generation of energy accumulating substances on the basis of activated aluminum// Journal of chemical technology and metallurgy, Sofia,2018 Volume53,Issue1.-R. 119-124
  •  A. K.Merekenova, G. I.Boiko, S. A.Dergunov, R.G.Sarmurzina,  U. S.Karabalin, N. P.Lubchenko A new monoalkyl phosphate ester based on a product derived from the recycling of a postconsumer polyethylene terephthalate waste// Journal of chemical technology and metallurgy, Sofia,2018 Volume53,Issue1.-R. 43-49
  •  Sarmurzina R.G. Karabalin U.S. Tiesov D.S. Lyubchenko N.P. Bajgaziev M.T. Perspektivy` ispol`zovaniya vodorodnoj e`nergetiki v tekhnologiyakh kompleksnoj podgotovki nefti, razrusheniya anomal`no stojkikh vodoneftyany`kh e`mul`sij i nefteshlamov//Neft`.Gaz.Novaczii 2019#5(222)-S.26-3 (RINCz – 0.171),  ISSN  2077-5423
  • G.I. Bojko, R.G. Sarmurzina, U.S. Karabalin, D.S. Tiesov, N.P. Lyubchenko, E.A. Isabaev E`nergoakkumuliruyushhie veshhestva novogo pokoleniya v reshenii problemy` ochistki stochny`kh vod ob`ektov neftedoby`chi i neftepererabotki// Neft`.Gaz.Novaczii, # 5 (222), 2019, Rossiya, g. Samara, str. 20-25, ISSN 2077-5423
  • Boyko G.I., Lyubchenko N.P., Sarmurzina R.G., Karabalin U.S., Tiesov D.S., Mukhamedova R.F., Taukeleva S.A Modified copolymers of malein anhydride with different functional activity // Tezisy` 10th International Conference "Biomaterials and Nanobiomaterials: Recent Advances Safety-Toxicology and Ecology Issues” Including Workshop and School of Young Scientists 05-12 May,2019, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.-037 (s.39)
  • Ye.A. Issabayev, Ye.S. Panova, M.T. Baigaziyev, G.I. Boiko, N.P. Lyubchenko, R.G. Sarmurzina. Analysis of oil sludge and selection of solvents for the extraction method of petroleum products recovery Bulletin of The Karaganda University, #4 (92) 2018.-75-80)
  • T.R. Ziyayeva, G.I. Boyko,
  • N.P. Lyubchenko, R.G. Sarmurzina, V.N. Ayukayeva,U.S. Karabalin,
  • D.S. Tiyessov New corrosion and scale inhibitors based on modified maleic anhydride polymers// Book of Abstracts VIII International symposium on specialty polymers (specialty polymers for environment protection, oil industry, bio-, nanotechnology and medicine ) / Buketov Karaganda State University.- Karaganda 2019. -S.- 811
  • Z. A. Tokbergenova, S. A. Babayev, D. U. Togayeva, D. Zh. Kudusbekova,  A. Zagurskii. Efficiency of microtubers  application  In the production of original potato seeds. Online Journal of  Biological Sciences(ISSN16084217-USA-Scopus). 17(4): - P. 316-322. April 2017.
  • Babaev S.A. Semenovodstvo kartofelya v Kazakhstane: sovremennoe sostoyanie, problemy` i perspektivy` razvitiya. Internet resursy` «Atameken». Agromart. 2018 g.
  •  Babaev S.A., Tokbergenova Zh.A., Ajtbaev T.E. i dr. Patent na novy`j sort Babaev.  Udostoverenie avtora #4184, 2018 g.
  • Babaev S.A., Tokbergenova Zh.A., Togaeva D.U., Kudusbekova  D.Zh. Innovaczionny`e metody` uskorennogo polucheniya posadochnogo materiala kartofelya. Naczi`onal`na akademi`ya agrarnikh nauk Ukrayini  I`nstitut ovochi`vnicztva i` bashtannicztva. 25 lipnya 2018 r.sel. Selekczi`jne. 
  •  Babaev S.A., Tokbergenova Zh.A. Kachestvo posadochnogo materiala – vazhnoe zveno v semenovodstve kartofelya. «Nauchnoe obespechenie kartofelevodstva, ovoshhevodstva v usloviyakh modernizaczii agropromy`shlennogo kompleksa». /Sb.materialov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenczii, posvyashhennoj  90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya L.G.Bobrova (21 dekabrya 2018 g., Kajnar). Almaty`-2018. –S.32-34.
  • New generation of energy accumulating substances on the basis of activated aluminum / R.G. Sarmurzina, G.I. Boyko, M.T. Baigaziyev, U.S. Karabalin, N.P. Lubchenko //Journal of chemical technology and metallurgy, Bulgari, Sofia,53 #1,2018,R .119-124., (IF 0,63)
  • Issledovaniya vozdejstviya aktivirovannogo splava alyuminiya na kerny`, nasy`shhenny`e neftyami mestorozhdenij Kazakhstana / M.T. Bajgaziev, N.D. Sarsenbekov, G.I. Bojko, R.G. Sarmurzina, N.P. Lyubchenko, U.S. Karabalin, B.U. Akchulakov // Neftyanoe khozyajstvo, 2018 (7).-S. 86-89. Rossiya, Moskva (IF 0,466)
  •  Patent RK # 33660 opubl.06.07 .2019g., byul.#23 (zayavka reg. 2018\0043.1 ot 11 yanv.2018g.) Sposob razrusheniya nefteshlama /Sarmurzina R.G., Bojko G.I. Lyubchenko N.P., Bajgaziev M.T. Karabalin U.S., Akchulakov B.U., Kozy`rev D.V.
  • Ajtkalieva G.S. Oczenka sostava asfal`tosmolo-parafinovy`kh otlozhenij i nefti mestorozhdeniya Kumkol` metodami termicheskogo i IK-spektroskopicheskogo analizov// ISSN 0026-2448, Neftyanoe khozyajstvo. - 2015. -#6. - S. 80-82.
  • KZ#30438 opubl.15.10.2015, byul. #10 Depressornaya prisadka dlya vy`sokoparafinisty`kh neftej/. G.I. Bojko N.P. Lyubchenko, R.G. Sarmurzina , U.S.Karabalin,G.S.Ajtkalieva ,  E.M. Shajkhutdinov,T.P.Majmakov,Bojko E.A.
  • KZ #30435 opubl.15.10.2015, byul.#10 Ingibitor dlya predotvrashheniya asfal`tosmoloparafinovy`kh otlozhenij/ G.I. Bojko N.P. Lyubchenko, R.G. Sarmurzina , U.S.Karabalin G.S.Ajtkalieva,  E.M. Shajkhutdinov,T.P.Majmakov,Bojko L.S,Mukhamedova R.F.
  • KZ #29036 opubl.15.10.2014 byul.#10 Kompozicziya dlya udaleniya asfal`tosmoloparafinovy`kh otlozhenij nefti/ G.I. Bojko N.P. Lyubchenko,
  • R.G. Sarmurzina, U.S.Karabalin, G.S.Ajtkalieva, E.M. Shajkhutdinov, T.P.Majmakov, E.K.Ogaj .
  • V.N. Aukayeva ,G.I. Boiko S.A. Dergunov N.P. Lyubchenko R.G. Sarmurzina R.F. Mukhamedova U.S. Karabalin Polyoxyethylene sorbitan trioleate surfactant as an effective corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel protection// Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects// ISSN 0927-7757, Volume 579, (2019), 123636.
  • V.N. Aukayeva, G.I. Boiko N.P. Lyubchenko R.G. Sarmurzina R.F. Mukhamedova U.S. Karabalin Inhibitor activity investigation of a new nitrogen-containing surfactant in an acid medium// Vestnik Karagandinskogo universiteta // Seriya «Khimiya». # 1(92)/2018
  • E.S. Panova, G.I. Bojko, R.G. Sarmurzina, N.P. Lyubchenko, K.M. Kasy`mgaliev, U.S. Karabalin, B.U. Akchulakov Sposoby` razrusheniya slozhny`kh vodoneftyany`kh e`mul`sij mestorozhdeniya Botakhan// Neftyanoe khozyajstvo, # 6, 2017, Moskva, str. 109-111, ISSN 0028-2448, IF 0,560, Q3
  •  R.G. Sarmurzina, U.S. Karabalin, B.U. Akchulakov, G.I. Bojko, N.P. Lyubchenko, E.S. Panova Kompoziczionny`e reagenty` dlya razrusheniya slozhny`kh vodoneftyany`kh e`mul`sij mestorozhdenij Zapadnogo Kazakhstana// NefteGazoKhimiya, # 4, 2016, str.45-50, Rossiya, g.Moskva, ISSN 2310-826
  • Patent Respubliki Kazakhstan # 32235, zayavka # 2015/1325.1 ot 12.11.5015 Sostav dlya razrusheniya neftyany`kh e`mul`sij/ G.I. Bojko, R.G. Sarmurzina, U.S. Karabalin, N.P. Lyubchenko, K.M. Kasy`mgaliev, E.K. Ogaj, Panova E.S.
  • T.R. Ziyaeva, N.A. An, G.I. Bojko, N.P. Lyubchenko, R.G. Sarmurzina. Funkczionalizirovanny`e sopolimery` maleinovogo angidrida dlya ingibirovaniya kislotnoj korrozii// Trudy` X mezhdunarodnogo beremzhanovskogo s`ezda po khimii i khimicheskoj tekhnologii. 24-25 oktyabrya. Almaty`, 2019.-R
  •  T.R.Ziyayeva, G.I.Boyko, N.P. Lyubchenko, R.G.Sarmurzina, V.N. Ayukayeva, U.S. Karabalin, D.S. Tyessov. New corrosion and scaling inhibitors based on modified maleic anhydride copolymers. VIII International symposium on specialty polymers. -Karaganda, 2019
  • N.S. Demeubayeva, P.V. Kenyaikin, G.I. Boyko, N.P. Lyubchenko, R.G. Sarmurzina. Noval composite formulations based on activated aluminum for the desulfurization of heavy hydrocarbons// Rroceedings of the 10 th international beremzhanov congress on chemistry and chemical technology.-Almaty, 2019. – P.204-205.

Scientific projects of the university

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