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IRN: AP19679041 Research and application of fiber-optic strain sensors for monitoring the stressed state of metal and concrete structures

The goal of the project is to develop a method for determining high-speed deformations of metal and concrete structures during various technological processes using the sensitive element of a fiber-optic sensor (FOS).

Relevance of the project: as you know, metal and concrete structures are one of the most common materials. In recent years, cases of emergency situations that are accompanied by intense artificial and natural shock and explosive impacts have become more frequent. Such phenomena are accompanied not only by material, but also by human losses. Therefore, already at the design stage of critical structures, it is necessary to take into account these dynamic impacts, which are characterized by continuous changes in parameters, high intensity and short duration. This requires not only knowledge of the mechanical properties of the materials used at high strain rates, but also their monitoring of deformation in the actual process of dynamic loading. In addition, high-speed deformation of metals is increasingly used in technology and production. This is explained by the fact that the loading rates of parts of existing and designed machines and mechanisms, and, accordingly, the metal during its processing, are very high, and information on the resistance of metals to deformation, ductility and impact strength in a wide range of deformation rates and temperatures necessary for calculations is limited there is not enough volume available. Characterized by high deformation rates, high pressures on the surfaces of the metal being processed and significant energies, high-speed deformation provides high productivity, makes it possible to manufacture products of significant sizes from durable and low-plasticity materials, and allows processing metal in a state of movement.

In this regard, the study of the behavior of modern structural and building materials under high-speed deformation and destruction is an extremely significant and urgent problem.

The research will result in optical methods for determining high-speed deformation of concrete and metal surfaces using optical Bragg gratings of an optical sensor, occurring within microseconds.

Scientific supervisor: Doctor PhD Professor Smailov N.K.

Quantitative and qualitative composition of project implementers: 10 performers, consisting of: 6 PhD, 1 doctoral student, 2 master’s students, 1 engineer

Results obtained: project start – 2023.

Implementation period: 2023-2025.

Scientific projects of the university

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