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AP08855714 «Thermal insulation coatings based on finely dispersed mineral granular systems»

The relevance of the project.

For the first time based on local mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the compositions of liquid heat-insulating coatings with a complex of improved performance characteristics will be developed. Reducing the cost of expensive imported hollow microspheres due to the introduction of fine dispersed mineral fillers into the composition of filled binders will allow to form a structure of increased porosity and, as a result, lower density and heat conductivity, and to reduce the cost of production, which will increase the competitiveness of products.

The urgency of this problem for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation is due, first of all, to the very low average annual temperature, the considerable duration of the heating season, as well as to the large number of obsolete and worn-out equipment. For example, in Kazakhstan, the average annual temperature (except for the south) is sharply continental with an average temperature between -4 ° C and -19 ° C in January and between + 19 ... + 26 ° C in July. In winter, the temperature may drop to -45 ° C, and in summer to rise up to +30 ° C.

The main objective of the project:

Development of constitutions of energy-efficient heat-insulating coatings based on fine-dispersed mineral granular systems

Expected results

In the course of the Project implementation, the compositions of liquid heat-insulating coatings based on hollow microspheres and fine mineral fillers will be developed, the technology of their production and application to various types of bases, technological and design documentation for industrial production. A patent will be received and at least 5 articles published with a nonzero impact factor. The scientific results obtained for the development of thermal insulation compositions based on finely divided mineral can be used for the thermal insulation of the steam, hot and cold-water pipelines; industrial equipment and building structures for residential, public and industrial buildings and structures, etc. The application of liquid heat-insulating coatings will allow: providing reliable thermal insulation of complex technological requirements and equipment; to eliminate the freezing of building structures without capital works and changes in architectural appearance; Protect from the formation of condensate unheated rooms, pipelines of cold water; provide insulation of roofs and freezing equipment, etc.

Achieved results:

The indicators of the developed compositions were experimentally revealed; an assessment of the quality indicators of the ZhTP and climatic factors was carried out; the influence of structural parameters on the resistance of the FRP under the conditions of natural climatic factors was revealed; experimental studies were carried out, taking into account the type of base (concrete, metal, brick, plaster, etc.).

Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers:

  1. Zhumadilova Zhanar Orazbekkyzy – scientific supervisor
  2. Nurlybayev Ruslan Ergaliyevich– chief researcher
  3. Orynbekov Elzhan Serikovich- leading researcher
  4. Zholdasov Aidos Abdisalimovich– senior researcher
  5. Selyaev Vladimir Pavlovich  - chief researcher
  6. Hamza Erlan Erzaliuly – executor
  7. Zhuginisov Maratbek Turabaiuly- leading researcher
  8. Akmalaiuly Kenzhebek - leading researcher
  9. Murzagulova Aktota Aituganovna– junior researcher
  10. Yakupbayev Syrymbek Aldangarovich– инженер

List of publications:

1. Zhumadilova, Zhanar O.; Selyaev, Vladimir P.; Nurlybaev, Ruslan E.; Orynbekov, Yelzhan S., Sangulova, Indira B. Study Of Energy-Saving Liquid Thermal Insulating Coatings Based On Local Finely Dispersed Systems. Periódico Tchê Química.    ISSN - 1806-0374 (Print). ISSN - 2179-0302 (Online). LCCN: 2010240735. Vol.18 (n°37). 2021. Porto Alegre, RS. Brasil. March, 2021. P. 189. (в момент подачи и принятии статьи журнал имел Percentille 72% по базе Scopus).

2. В.П. Селяев, Р.Е. Нурлыбаев, И.Б. Сангулова, Е.Л. Кечуткина. Оптимизация составов теплоизоляционных покрытий на основе водной дисперсии полимерных вяжущих. Научно-практический журнал "Эксперт: Теория и практика“. Тольятти. 2021, №4(13). С. 23-28. В печати.

3. R.E. Nurlybayev, M.T. Zhuginisov, Zh.O. Zhumadilova, Ye.S. Orynbekov, E.E. Khamza, Sangulova I.B. Investigation of the effect of diatomite and bentonite clays on the properties of local loam-based products.  №4 2021 Вестник КазНИТУ. С.180.

4. Orynbekov, Yelzhan S., Zhumadilova, Zhanar O.; Selyaev, Vladimir P.; Nurlybaev, Ruslan E.; Sangulova, Indira B. Подана статья "The influence of climatic factors on the change in the elastic-strength indicators of epoxy polymers binders used in liquid thermal insulation coatings" в зарубежную конференцию «The 2021 Southern brazilian journal of chemistry conference». Porto Alegre, RS. Brasil. March 18-19, 2022. В печати.

5. Sangulova I.B., Selyaev V.P., Kuldeev E.I., Nurlybaev R.E., Orynbekov Ye.S. Assessment of the influence of the structural characteristics of granular systems of microsilicon on the properties of thermal insulation materials. Комплексное Использование Минерального Сырья. №3 (318), 2021. Опубликовано.

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