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AP19676743Development of methods for calculating the scheme of unbalanced solutions, operating modes of a geotechnological blocks and the creation of a geotechnological information system for efficient recovering by In-Situ Leaching


During the extraction of uranium by the method of In-Situ Leaching (ISL), as a result of the imbalance of solutions, stagnant zones are formed, which are not covered by leaching solution, and as a result, the extraction of the mineral decreases. During the implementation of the project, the executors will propose methods for calculating the unbalance scheme and a method for ensuring the balance of solutions in cells and blocks for efficient acidification of the block and extraction of uranium without additional financial costs. The proposed methods will also help reduce the spreading of solutions outside the block boundaries and will be implemented as a geotechnological information system with a convenient user interface and visualizer.


The aim of the project is to develop a geotechnological information system, as well as methods for determining the scheme of unbalances for the distribution of process solutions over cells and the operating modes of a geotechnological block to increase the efficiency of mining mineral deposits via In-Situ Leaching.

Expected and achieved results


The main result of the project is a geotechnological information system that allows building a scheme of unbalances of the distribution of technological solutions based on the developed methods in order to determine the operating modes of a geotechnological block to increase the efficiency of mining mineral deposits through the ISL technique.

The proposed method, integrated into the geotechnological system, will allow to determine and visualize the scheme of solutions unbalances. The method will be based on the results of studying the factors that lead to a local imbalance of technological solutions in individual cells of wells and blocks of deposits developed by the ISL. Based on the studies carried out and the method of constructing an unbalance scheme and by mathematical modeling of production processes based on streamlines, a method will be developed to ensure the balance of solutions for the effective acidification of technological cells and blocks.

Research team members with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if available) and links to relevant profiles

Тунгатарова М.С. Scopus ID 55998783500, ResearcherID: 

AAA-8512-2020, ORCID 0000-0003-3138-3326.

Калтаев А. Scopus ID 55998788000, ORCID 0000-0003-2180-2785, ResearcherID GRY-4547-2022

Алибаева К.А. ScopusID 55999183700, ResearcherID:EKN-7678-2022, ORCID 0000-0002-5357-3334

Айжулов Д.Е. ScopusID 24385576700, ResearcherID: 

AAZ-3778-2020, ORCID 0000-0001-5496-4639

Құрмансейіт М.Б. ScopusID 57204125575, ResearcherID: 

HJJ-0563-2023, ORCID 0000-0002-5334-6537

Шаяхметов Н.М ScopusID 57204120341, ResearcherID: 


Scientific projects of the university

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