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Adlet Kassymbekov

Adlet Kassymbekov

Master of Technical Sciences

Deputy Director

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Software Engineering

Email: a.kassymbekov@satbayev.111

Professional biography

1) Scientific research center of oil and gas engineering and pipeline transportation, JSC “Kazakh British technical university”, Almaty. Positions: Manager, head of implementation unit, Tutor assistant of module «Modeling in Unigraphics NX» in Russian, Kazakh and English languages (part-time).

2) JSC “National information technologies”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. Position: Account-Manager.

3) JSC “Zerde National infocommunication Holding” , Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. Position: Senior manager of Department of investment projects.

4) Creative Pro LLP. Position: Deputy director.

5) Ditum Academy LLP. Position: Director.


1) Republican Physics and Mathematics School named after O. Zhautikov. Almaty.

2) The University of Reading, United Kingdom. BSc Information Technology.

3) Satbayev Kazakh national technical university. Almaty. Masters Information systems.

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