Makazhanova Nailya

Makazhanova Nailya

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology

Email: n.makazhanova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

2019 assistant Professor кафедры "Дизайн"

01.2019 - 07.2019 g. Assistant professor кафедры Professor каф. "Технические дисциплины"

02.2018 - 09.2018 g. Преподаватель. Алматинский колледж телекоммуникаций, and машиностроения

01.2003 - 05. 2017г. Lector каф. PM, and G, Старший преподаватель каф. НГиИГ . КазНИТУ them.C.Well.Сатпаева

04. In 2000, 01.2003-g. Старший лаборант каф. NG and G, 0.5 to items ассистента преподавателя

Казахская академия транспорта, and коммуникаций

06.19 94-10.1998 Старший an НИЧа

03.19 91 - 09.19981 d. Engineer-I category-lab. Специальных методов Institute горного parts Academies наук

01.19 90 - 03.1991-g. An каф. ПРПИ, КазПТИ

03.1991 - 09.1991-g. The engineer of 1 category-lab. spec. The institute of горного parts Academies наук

10.19 83 - 06.1986-g. The engineer of 1 category-lab. spec.The institute of горного works


1983. V.I. Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Mining Engineer-Surveyor

2010 - defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Development of a method for preventing the loss of coal and assessing the environmental consequences during their transportation"

Scientific projects

Development of a method to prevent the loss of coal and assess the environmental consequences during their transportation


1. "A method for maintenance-free maintenance of shafts in deep mines". Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mining Sciences in the industrial and innovative development of the country", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the D.A. Kunaev Institute of Mining, Almaty, September 10-11, 2015, No. 87. - pp.223-227.Co-authors: Ishchanov T.K., Yusupova G.M.Kalieva A.P. Bimagambetov M.

2. "Fundamentals of mining production". Study guide. Textbook on the discipline: "Fundamentals of mining production" for 1st year bachelors in spec. 5B070700. - Almaty: KazNITU, 2016.- 228 p. Co-author: G.M. Yusupova.

3. "The impact of mining on the environment". Proceedings of the International Satpayev Readings: "Scientific heritage of Shakhmardan Yesenov". Almaty:KazNITU12 April 2017 p.448-451.Co - authors:Yusupova G.M., Almasov E.G.

4. "Problems and ways of rational complex use of mineral raw materials in mining production". Proceedings of the International scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific personnel support of innovative development of the mining and metallurgical complex". Almaty, KazNITU, April 27-28, 2017, pp.115-119. Co-author: G.M. Yusupova.

5. "Environmental problem and industrial safety in the coal industry". International scientific and practical conference "Scientific personnel support of innovative development of mining and metallurgical complex". Almaty, KazNITU, April 27-28, 2017Pp.171-174. Co-author: G.M. Yusupova.

6. "Innovative solutions of resource-saving technology for processing mineral raw materials". The conference Satpayev readings "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: engineering and technology" and is timed to the address of the President of the Republic of "Digital Kazakhstan".Almaty, KazNITU, April 12, 2018, pp.851-854.Co-authors: G.M. Yusupova. S.K. Aidar.

7. "Implementation of a set of measures to improve resource-saving technology in the mining industry." The conference Satpayev readings "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: engineering and technology" and is timed to the address of the President of the Republic of "Digital Kazakhstan".Almaty, KazNITU, April 12, 2018, pp. 867-869. Co-authors: G.M. Yusupova, B. N. Baratov.

8. «The study of the bacterial leaching process at Semizbay deposit»."Investigation of the bacterial leaching process at the Semizbai deposit". Znanstvena misel journal .The journal is registered and published in Slovenia ISSN 3124-1123 VOL.1 Slovenia No. 21, 2018, p.64-72.Website: . Co-authors: Bektay E K.,Turysbekova G.S. Bektayeva M.E. Yussupova G.M.

9. «The study of waste coal recycling technology process for gold processing plants». "Study of the process of coal waste recycling technology forgold extraction factories". Scientific journal «Fundamentalis scientiam» Madrid,Spain The journal is registered and published in Spain ISSN 1817-5368 VOL.1 Fundamentalis scientiam No. 21, 2018, p.70-77. Web: www. fundamentalis- Co-authors: Bektay E K Turysbekova G.S. Bektayeva M.E. Yussupova G.M.

10 "Studying the works and discovering the role of the great scientist Abu-Nasir al-Farabi to the world". NAO Pavlodar Pedagogical University International Scientific and Practical Conference"The legacy of al-Farabi's works in the development of world civilization", dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the outstanding scientist-thinker Abu Nasir al-Farabi..Al-Farabi and the legacy of Akzhan Al-Mashani Pavlodar , November 12-13 , 2020